We give our unique take on Donald Trump winning the election and why we’re happy about it as Canadians, and then react to a few clips of him laying out his plans, which honestly all sound great to us. The incredible playlist is in honour of Remembrance Day and all who died in that horrible war. We know you’re going to be blown away by it. So many different styles, genres, and artists. It’s really unique. Check it out:
Apple 🍎: https://music.apple.com/ca/playlist/war-remembrance-day-2024/pl.u-d2b0v2YuG0NGW8
Spotify 🟢: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4GTdPAlPTZBlNYxEzkWntK?si=YVrQCDd3R2C4gPYU2P2FbQ&pi=u-jopuGLTOSjyX