J.J. sat down with Jesse Woolfork III, co-owner of DNA men’s clothing boutique. They talked about how he landed in the fashion business, building his brand, and how he’s helping change the landscape of the streetwear scene in St. Louis. You can connect with DNA at: Website: dnastl.com Social: FB/Twitter/IG: DNASTL This episode was recorded and produced by JOCON Media, LLC. The views expressed in this episode do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of JOCON Media, LLC or thePlatform314. Please tune in each week for a new episode. You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Spotify, and Overcast. You can follow J.J. at : Facebook.com/jjlouis314, Instagram @j.j.theplatform314, and Twitter @JJplatform314 Follow JOCON Media on FB, Twitter, and IG @joconmedia.