Welcome to Curated Souls with Lori Young.
Last week I promised I would come back with a look at the healing process. I am giving you a look into what life was like just after cancer and having 3 surgeries within that first year after my last chemo treatment.
It is a really raw and delicate look. It's been a healing physically, cognitively, emotionally, and a finding my way back into life. This journey was harder for me than the actual fight mode. Finding my words was a struggle and I am glad that I had a supportive family to help me push through. Even more grateful for a God that kept me through it all!!
Please visit my blog for the full story and more of the medical terminology that you might need for the specific cancer and surgeries that I went through.
Finding out I had Breast Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Diagnosis & Treatments
Breast Reconstruction Part One and Part Two
Amazon Storefront Breast Cancer Must Haves (affiliated link)
Please share with anyone you may know battling cancer or struggling with life after cancer. It's a way to let them know they are not alone!!!
Thank you for listening and I hope that you will click subscribe and leave a review.
See you next week!!
Let's be Friends.
Connect with me on
Facebook: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
Instagram: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
Pinterest: @loriy
Blog: https://www.vintagecharmrestored.com