Top 3 Value Bombs:
1. Hesam has 3 masters degrees - mechanical engineering, material science & business.
2. Make sure your business is fun and motivating, create something new and be creative.
3. Don't confine yourself. Look around. Do the things that you like to do and passion will take you there.
The Famous Five:
1. What’s your favorite business book?
Answer: "Zero to One by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel"
2. Is there a CEO you’re following or studying?
Answer: "Elon Musk"
3. What’s your favorite online tool for growing your business?
Answer: "LinkedIn"
4. If you could give your 20 year old self a piece of advice, what would it be?
Answer: "Be more patient."
5. How many hours of sleep do you get every night?
Answer: "5-8 hours."
Episode Information: