The Ohio River Valley Institute has just released a new survey which reveals that 9 in 10 Pennsylvania voters support stricter regulations on fracking. That includes things like requiring companies to disclose what sort of chemicals they're using in their drilling operations, requiring safer transport of fracking waste, increasing setback distances between new fracking wells and schools and hospitals, and also increasing air monitoring near fracking wells, compressor stations and other infrastructure. Investments in clean energy, and energy efficiency upgrades are overwhelmingly popular among Pennsylvania voters. They found that 80% of the survey respondents, say they have a favorable opinion of solar energy, 73% support wind, and 84% support spending taxpayer dollars on wind and solar development to increase renewable energy usage in the state.
We speak with Ben Hunkler, Communications Manager, for the Ohio River Valley institute about their Pennsylvania poll findings and how the energy transition is already underway. It's up to policymakers to decide whether or not we're going to jump on board and be a part of a clean energy future, or whether we're going to be stuck in a polluting oil and gas industry economy that hasn't produced economic returns for more than a decade. Ben makes the case that there's broad support for investing in clean energy and transitioning our economy to one that hasn't polluted our communities and put our families in harm's way.