Today on Pillar Talk with Rochelle, Founder and Chief Vision Officer of the Legacy Leadership Consulting Group Robert Heath, Sr., facilitates a thought-provoking Masterclass on "self-worth." Although Robert is highly accomplished in many areas and a consummate professional, his self-worth hasn't always reflected his lofty achievements. Occasionally, he would get stuck in a "negative feedback loop." But today, Robert starts his day on full with a "Power Hour" and helps others manifest their greatness. Do you want tips on how to build your self-worth and conquer imposter syndrome? Tune in to today's podcast. Relatable. Thought-provoking. Inspirational. Powerful. You're in for a treat!
To learn more about the twelve pillars in my book Simply Complex: Leading out of Authenticity, contact me directly by email or at www.rochellearmstrong.com. Also, you can buy a copy at most places you purchase books, including Roots 101 https://roots-101.org/ African American Museum and Amazon here.
Much gratitude and appreciation to all my authentic guests and listeners.