Five people gather for a new moon ceremony ritual where they use their ecstatic voices to call the divine truths into being. We decided to do the Five Voices. Gathering we each took a doorway to the divine Voice, Trust, Power, Joy, and Sight.
Embodying the calls of the moaner, the breather, the screamer, the laugher and the weeper we went there because we could and because it is worth it.
Work With Me — Sophia offers guidance for Relationships, Sacred Sexuality and Intimacy, Body Wisdom Approach, Spirit Guide Connection, Ancestral Healing, Soul Unification, and Personal Medicine Mastery through private virtual sessions.
TEMPLE EROTICA Stories of Sacred Sexuality by Sophia Wise One
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Check out Sophia Wise One’s other podcasts to learn and gather skills to live in alignment with your sacredness, hear your soul, and share your medicine confidence.
Medicine Caller Podcast: Sophiawiseone.com/medicine-caller/
Vagina Talks with Sophia Wise One: Sophiawiseone.com/vagina-talks/
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