Welcome to Curated Souls first official episode. Today is a deeper look into me & my why. I hope you enjoy. I would love your feedback.
Romans 8:1 says “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ.” So why are we with our words and our actions as Christ filled believers pouring shame and condemnation onto others who are different from us /believe differently than us? -Those are still God’s beloveds. He created them and as image bearers it is our responsibility to go and make disciples. Not to go and point our fingers of judgment at someone’s story that is still being written.
This is who I really am. As a mom who is a Breast Cancer Survivor and MS Thriver & advocating for 2 girls who have special needs… our lives have often been “too much” for some people. But never has it ever been too much for God.
Allowing God into the broken spaces of my, and our family’s story, has brought me through rebellion into embracing a Grace I never believed was for me.
Now, I “get to” be someone who will fight for those that live on the edge of the line where christians today don’t allow for Grace. The line that others deem unworthy or simply too busy to see the opportunity to meet a need.
I believe in unlearning mistruths and breaking down barriers that are harming others. I may not have all the answers but I have ALL the LOVE and willingness to stand up for what is simply Right & I know that’s what Jesus is All about. I’m only sure that loving all, even when you see it a sin, is the only thing I’d ever want to be wrong about. That’s how big my God is… He take my heart, my motive, my Love and use it for His Glory.
When we know better we actually Do Better. Together. Stronger.
I am so grateful for a God who has been so patient and loving through all my rebellion and never gave up on me. I know that it’s a kind of hope that only comes when you get a touch of His hem. So let’s be that hope for someone else and let God be- their God in the middle of their story.
Thank you for listening in today. Be sure to subscribe for our future episodes.
Let's be Friends.
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Facebook: @curatedsoulsbyloriyoung
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Pinterest: @loriy
Blog: https://www.vintagecharmrestored.com