Welcome to Bismarck Church of God.
Tonight during the Bible study Sister Janet will be focusing on the gifting of other tongues, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. This topic is a great one because it something that can and should be used to our advantage. When we pray in other tongues, or allow the Holy Ghost to pray through us, that allows pray straight to the God, and the Devil doesn't know how to defend against this. When you pray in tongues the Devil doesn't know what, who, or when you are praying about. This is a gift from God that he gave to us that we can stand above the enemy and his plans. We are the head and not the tail.
Feel free to join us in person in the near future we would love to meet you.
Bismarck Church of God
1101 Gifford Street
Bismarck, MO 63624
Sunday School at 9:30am
Sunday Morning at 10:30am
Sunday Evening at 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00pm
God is God All the Time!
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