Infidelity Signs: How to Catch a Cheating Spouse in Infidelity Having an Emotional or Sexual Affair
JC Anonymous
Ashley Rosebloom
Infidelity can be detected; learn how to catch your cheating spouse.
Is your stomach in knots because you think your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend may be cheating? Do you think your spouse is having an emotional or sexual affair because he has been acting strange lately? Are you picking up signs that infidelity may be lurking on the horizon?
Are you perplexed because you are noticing that your spouse is showing abnormal behavior patterns and you aren't sure why? Are you feeling more distant from your partner of late, like the two of you have disconnected on an emotional or intimate sexual level?
There are common signs in situations where infidelity is the cause of a spouse's behavior changes. In this audiobook you are going to learn ways of recognizing if your husband or wife is having an emotional affair, a sexual affair, or is involved in a full-blown secondary relationship.
Signs of a cheating spouse, from the audiobook:
- This could just be a self-esteem move on your partner's part, but if he starts dressing better, you might want to consider the possibility that he's trying to impress someone.
- You should know your partner's sex drive pretty well. If you notice sexual changes, pay attention to the signs. Once again, there are many things that affect someone's sexual desire. Just because they don't pursue you like they did in the past doesn't mean they are having an affair.
- If he decides that he is too busy to accompany you on a holiday trip and sends you and the kids away, he could be freeing up time to spend with his lover.
- If he's spending less time with you than usual, this could be a signal that he's cheating on you. If you go to bed and he stays up surfing online, he could very well be looking at porn or interacting with someone online....