Norse Magic & Runes
A Guide to the Magic, Rituals, Spells & Meanings of Norse Magick, Mythology & Reading the Elder Futhark Runes
David Piper
A snowy wind moves through the mountains encircling Arne and his son. But the winds will not reach them here, under the watchful eyes of their Gods...
Welcome to the world of norse magic annd runes.
Let us take you back in time. When the Norse people lived in an enchanted and sacred world. A time famously shrouded in mystery, magic, sorcery, and witchcraft.
It was Odin himself, the wisest God who unlocked the universe’s most powerful magic. He discovered the Runic alphabet as part of his trial, in which he hung from Yggdrasil, the World Tree, for nine days.
Nowadays, Runes and Norse Magic are used as a method of connecting to one’s higher self. Or as a way of foretelling what the future may hold. Now don’t worry because you don’t have to be of Norse ancestry to use them. However you’ll have a far better understanding of them, history, mythology, meanings, and more through listening to this audiobook.
In this audiobook you will discover:
- Stunningly Elaborate Mythologies, Stories, and Folktales
- The Nine Realms of Norse Cosmology
- Old Norse Magic, Including the Magic Arts Of: Seiðr, Spá, and Galdr
- The Source of Norse Mythology, the Poetic Edda or "Royal Book"
- Runes, Symbols, Divination, Sacred Numbers, Casting, Elder Futhark, and the Powers They Wield
- Gods and Realms - Including Loki, Odin, Thor God of Thunder, and More
- Virtues and Values from the Vikings - Honor, Courage, Trust, and More
- And much, much more...
Whether you are simply hungry for the history and mythology of the Norse, or you are beginning to master the magic arts, then you will receive valuable information from this precious audiobook.
So without any further ado, listen to this audiobook.
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