We bring you another fucking amazing playlist but this one is all different styles of “heavy metal”. Everything from Slipknot to Bring Me The Horizon to Ozzy. Even if you don’t normally listen to metal give it a chance, it’s seriously amazing. During the podcast we react to a clip of Osho talking about why democracy doesn’t work and why we agree, and a George Carlin clip about why individuals are awesome but people in groups suck, plus lots more. ENJOY.
Apple 🍎 https://music.apple.com/ca/playlist/165/pl.u-DdANa3NIa57Wdk
Spotify 🟢 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4kR4vTz2tLx7uQ4x76Qteh?si=XNqvuhMCREiuC_bC--aWCA&pi=u-59Tm7Zu9TamC