ABOUT THE EPISODE NAHAM has long recognized the importance of investing in the education and training of staff members involved in Patient Access so healthcare organizations can improve financial outcomes and enhance the patient experience. In this episode, NAHAM Publications Committee Chair Nicole Fountain, CRCE-I, CHAM, sits down with Nathaniel Davis III, Shellie Lowery and Jan Mitchell, CHAA, AS, for a roundtable discussion on how they are taking innovative approaches and inspiring their teams in the field of Patient Access and revenue cycle management. They discuss their own inspirations in becoming educators, approaches to training of access and revenue cycle professionals, how to promote a culture of knowledge-sharing and more. || MUSIC Podcast theme, "Pride in Each Other” || LINKS *Episode* https://www.naham.org/page/NAHAMConnections | https://www.naham.org/page/ConnectionsPodcastEpisode17 | https://www.naham.org/page/ConnectionsPodcastEpisode11| https://www.naham.org/page/ModernizePatientPayments3PracticalTipsforImprovingtheFinancialExperience | https://www.naham.org/page/ConnectionsNAHAM22Recap4 *Social Media* https://www.naham.org/page/NAHAMConnections | https://www.facebook.com/NAHAMDC/ | https://twitter.com/MyNAHAM | https://www.instagram.com/nahamdc/ | https://www.linkedin.com/company/national-association-of-healthcare-access-management-naham-/ *NAHAM Website* https://www.naham.org/ | https://www.naham.org/page/NAHAMConnections