Welcome to Strategy Skills episode 524, an interview with the author of Meet Every Learner's Needs: Redesigning Instruction So All Students Can Succeed, Robert Barnett.
In this episode, Robert discussed his approach to educational fairness and equity and the importance of personalized learning experiences. He explained the need for engaging and challenging learning environments rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, highlighting the importance of tailoring learning to individual needs.
Robert Barnett co-founded the Modern Classrooms Project. Robert’s approach - now known as the Modern Classroom instructional model - has empowered more than 80,000 educators, across all grade levels and content, in all 50 states and 180+ countries worldwide. Evaluators from Johns Hopkins found "overwhelming positive support" for this model’s many benefits. Robert graduated cum laude from Princeton University and Harvard Law School and speaks English, French, and Spanish.
Get Robert’s new book here: https://shorturl.at/2al4p
Meet Every Learner's Needs: Redesigning Instruction So All Students Can Succeed
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