Bollywood Bubblegum gives you under 8-10 min takes on films, on trends. Today we speak about Karthik Calling Karthik from 2010 which made such a nice mysterious, non-preachy, non-hamming take on mental health and childhood trauma. The episode also talks about other aspects of the film like music, trivia and what to look out for while watching double-role films. Don’t reach out to me on @kneeche on Instagram if you have any brickbats or criticism 😋 Also, if you’ve come this far, you should read this quora answer about more trivia from Karthik Calling Karthik: https://www.quora.com/What-small-detail-from-an-Indian-movie-do-you-love/answer/Manish-M-Nagori?ch=17&oid=18510171&share=7f0a2ce7&srid=IJh3&target_type=answer