
  • Lave, enjuague y desinfecte. Preparar un fregadero de tres recipientes
    Lave, enjuague y desinfecte. Preparar un fregadero de tres recipientes es el título de s1.8 del Podcast de limpieza ambientalmente sensible de ProfitMax Chemical

    Este es un breve episodio de ráfaga del podcast de limpieza ambientalmente sensible que comparte un entrenamiento de rendimiento óptimo corto de ProfitMax Chemical.

    Si desea continuar con un video, puede encontrarlo en el sitio web de ProfitMax Chemical y en YouTube, tanto en inglés como en español.

    Lavar, enjuagar y desinfectar es la secuencia de limpieza fundamental para todos los fregaderos de tres recipientes

    y preparar esos fregaderos para un rendimiento óptimo es lo primero.

    Este es un video corto de entrenamiento de rendimiento óptimo de ProfitMax Chemical.

    En este video, puede aprender el proceso adecuado para preparar un fregadero de tres contenedores para limpiar esas ollas, sartenes y platos.

    En ProfitMax Chemical, creemos que la limpieza en una tienda es diferente a la limpieza en el hogar.

    Lo más probable es que no tenga tres fregaderos y que el departamento de salud no vaya a su casa a revisar la limpieza de sus platos.

    En un entorno comercial, la limpieza y la preparación son dos de los pasos fundamentales para llevar al público un producto alimenticio seguro y de calidad.

    En la mayoría de las áreas de preparación de alimentos, la limpieza se centrará en un fregadero de tres recipientes.

    Estos lavabos se arreglarán para usted con anticipación con dispensadores de jabón y desinfectante.

    Después de seguir cada paso de este proceso, habrá preparado profesionalmente su fregadero de tres cubetas para lavar, enjuagar y desinfectar para un rendimiento óptimo.

    Acerca de nosotros en ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical es una empresa de soluciones de limpieza respetuosa con el medio ambiente dedicada a ayudar a supermercados, lavanderías, restaurantes y hoteles con las soluciones de limpieza que pueden funcionar mejor para ellos y brindar educación sobre cómo usar los productos y sistemas para obtener los mejores resultados.

    Nuestro proceso de administración ofrece soluciones de limpieza y desinfección individualizadas para cada negocio. ProfitMax Chemical tiene como objetivo servir como un recurso de resistencia que proporciona lugares atractivos y limpios para todos sus clientes.

    Obtenga más información sobre ProfitMax Chemical en https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    ¿Le gustaría que revisemos el diseño de sus tiendas, los productos actuales y los sistemas de capacitación? Estamos encantados de ayudar en todo lo que podamos. Contáctenos aquí https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ para programar un horario para hablar por teléfono, video o en persona.
    © 2022 ProfitMax Química. Todos los derechos reservados ® ℗
    Lavar, enjuagar y sanitizar. Preparando un fregadero de tres cubos.
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    5 分
  • Wash, Rise and Sanitize. Preparing your three bin sink.
    Wash, rinse and sanitize. Preparing a three bin sink is the title of s1.7 of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical

    This is a short burst episode from the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast sharing an Optimal Performance Training Short from ProfitMax Chemical.

    If you would like to follow up with a video, you can find it on the ProfitMax Chemical Website and on YouTube in both English and Spanish.

    Wash, rinse, sanitize is the foundational cleaning sequence for all three-bin sinks
    and preparing those sinks for optimal performance comes first.

    At ProfitMax Chemical, we feel that cleaning in a store is different from cleaning at home. More than likely you don’t have three sinks and the health department is not coming to your home to check the cleanliness of your dishes.

    In a commercial environment cleanliness and preparation are two of the core steps to bringing a safe and quality food product to the public.

    In most food preparation areas the cleaning will be centered around a three-bin sink.

    After following each step mentioned here, you will have professionally prepared your three-bin sink to wash, rinse and sanitize for optimal performance.

    About Us at ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical is an environmentally sensitive cleaning solutions company dedicated to helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants and hotels with the cleaning solutions that may work best for them and providing the education on how to use the products and systems for the greatest results.

    Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Learn more about ProfitMax Chemical at https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    Would you like us to review your stores layout, current products and training systems? We are happy to help in any way we can. Contact us here https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ to set up a time to talk by phone, video or in person.
    © 2022 ProfitMax Chemical. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
    Wash, rinse and sanitize. Preparing a three bin sink.
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    4 分
  • Trap tender maintenance. When is it time to call for help?
    Trap tender maintenance. When is it time to call for help is the title of s1.6 of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical

    This is a short burst episode from the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast about when it is time to call for help when it comes to a Trap Tender drain treatment device. If you would like to follow up with the video, you can find it on the ProfitMax Chemical Website and on YouTube.

    Most of the time, the Trap Tender, the small gray box with the button on the front will inform you when it's broken, there will be a small light right above the button that will begin flashing in case of malfunction in the microchip or more frequently, a low battery. Do note that when that low battery runs out, it will die and it will go blank, but it's usually easy to test out.

    You press the button, if nothing happens, it's time to call for service. Otherwise, same rules applies most of the time, just keep a fresh capsule of Biozyme drain treatment on top of it. And you don't have to worry about anything else.

    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.

    Trap tender maintenance. When is it time to call for help is the title of s1.6 of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical
    About Us at ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical is an environmentally sensitive cleaning solutions company dedicated to helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants and hotels with the cleaning solutions that may work best for them and providing the education on how to use the products and systems for the greatest results.

    Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Learn more about ProfitMax Chemical at https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    Would you like us to review your stores layout, current products and training systems? We are happy to help in any way we can. Contact us here https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ to set up a time to talk by phone, video or in person.
    © 2022 ProfitMax Chemical. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
    Trap tender maintenance. When is it time to call for help?
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    3 分
  • Spray gun and fifty foot heat resistant hose Info
    Spray Gun and fifty foot heat resistant hose Info is the title of s1.5 of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical

    This is a short burst episode from the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast about the hose and spray gun that goes with the Sunburst Master Blaster. If you would like to follow up with the video, you can find it on the ProfitMax Chemical Website and on YouTube.

    The standard 50 foot heat resistant hose and the standard industrial grade Master Blaster spray gun are mandatory on all Master Blasters.

    As tempting as it might be to go and get a garden hose and hook that on. It doesn't work. It affects the amount of pressure inside the machine, the amount of soap you get out of it, the damage to the parts inside, and it melts faster.

    This hose is heat resistant. If your water is too hot, this will survive it. Your regular garden hose will not. This here, as I mentioned is your spray gun. The only thing you need to remember about the spray gun is don't abuse it, don't drop it.

    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.

    And when you use it, either use it or don't. If you gun it or hold it part way, you will erode the connections side here that will end the gun up faster.

    About Us at ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical is an environmentally sensitive cleaning solutions company dedicated to helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants and hotels with the cleaning solutions that may work best for them and providing the education on how to use the products and systems for the greatest results.

    Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Learn more about ProfitMax Chemical at https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    Would you like us to review your stores layout, current products and training systems? We are happy to help in any way we can. Contact us here https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ to set up a time to talk by phone, video or in person.
    © 2022 ProfitMax Chemical. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
    Spray Gun and fifty foot heat resistant hose Info.
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    2 分
  • Modifying vinyl hoses for your Sunburst Chemicals equipment
    Modifying vinyl hoses for your Sunburst Chemicals equipment is the title of s1.4 of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical

    This is a short burst episode from the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast about cutting your hoses. The long and short of it in a short amount of time. If you would like to follow up with the video, you can find it on the ProfitMax Chemical Website and on YouTube.

    Please make sure not to cut it too short, and it'll splash you. And if you cut it too long, it'll get in the way of your work.

    You do need to be careful about cutting these too short. If you are in a three-bin sink and you cut these too short, they'll have a tendency to splash you when you don't want to be splashed or get the counter wet when you're trying to dry stuff.

    Point is, you want this stuff to be long enough to get the liquid where it needs to go without hitting anything else on the way down.

    Learn more about other Sunburst Chemicals products in their line up at https://sunburstresults.com/

    And that is the Modifying vinyl hoses for your Sunburst Chemicals equipment short burst episode of the podcast.

    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.

    About Us at ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical is an environmentally sensitive cleaning solutions company dedicated to helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants and hotels with the cleaning solutions that may work best for them and providing the education on how to use the products and systems for the greatest results.

    Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Learn more about ProfitMax Chemical at https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    Would you like us to review your stores layout, current products and training systems? We are happy to help in any way we can. Contact us here https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ to set up a time to talk by phone, video or in person.
    © 2022 ProfitMax Chemical. All Rights Reserved ® ℗
    Modifying vinyl hoses for your Sunburst Chemicals equipment.
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    3 分
  • Sunburst Chemicals Top Four Products in under two minutes.
    Sunburst Chemicals Top Four Products in under two minutes is the title of s1.3 of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical

    This is a short burst episode from the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast. If you would like to follow up with the video, you can find it on the ProfitMax Chemical Website and on YouTube.

    These are four of our favorites from Sunburst Chemicals.
    And Shmarcok.

    Biozyme is the showcase drain cleaner provided by Sunburst Chemicals. It is a solid purple chemical sold in the standard Sunburst capsule.

    Score is a much loved product thanks to its high versatility and it’s the only degreaser in the Sunburst Chemical Line catalog that can be handled without gloves.

    Sentinel Sanitizer serves as the sanitizing agent in the lineup and is one of the most important components of the cleaning process. After soap is used to clean an item or surface then sanitizer is applied to prevent future contamination. 

    Shamrock is one of the two primary dish detergents offered by Sunburst Chemicals. This green soap is rather unassuming compared to many of the flashier chemicals in the line up. It is a dish detergent used for cleaning dishes in the three bin sink.
    And that is the Sunburst Chemicals Top Four Products in under two minutes that we love at ProfitMax Chemical.

    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.

    About Us at ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical is an environmentally sensitive cleaning solutions company dedicated to helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants and hotels with the cleaning solutions that may work best for them and providing the education on how to use the products and systems for the greatest results.

    Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Learn more about ProfitMax Chemical at https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    Would you like us to review your stores layout, current products and training systems? We are happy to help in any way we can. Contact us here https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ to set up a time to talk by phone, video or in person.
    © 2022 ProfitMax Chemical. All Rights Reserved ® ℗

    Sunburst Chemicals Top Four Products in under two minutes
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    2 分
  • Trap Tender Device from Sunburst Chemicals. A 2 Minute Tip
    Trap Tender Device from Sunburst Chemicals. A 2 Minute Tip is the title of s1. E2. of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast.

    This is a short burst episode of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast. If you would like to follow up with the video, you can find it on the ProfitMax Chemical Website or on YouTube.

    Tending to the tender is simple. You only have two jobs. One is to make sure that there is a capsule full of Biozyme on top of the machine at all times. Two that if the low battery light is flashing, that you call ProfitMax Chemical for maintenance to change the battery. That is not your job and you do not have to worry about it.

    It is that simple when it comes to the trap tender.


    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.

    About Us at ProfitMax Chemical:

    ProfitMax Chemical is an environmentally sensitive cleaning solutions company dedicated to helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants and hotels with the cleaning solutions that may work best for them and providing the education on how to use the products and systems for the greatest results.

    Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Learn more about ProfitMax Chemical at https://profitmaxchemical.com/

    Would you like us to review your stores layout, current products and training systems? We are happy to help in any way we can. Contact us here https://profitmaxchemical.com/contact/ to set up a time to talk by phone, video or in person.

    Read more of the ProfitMax Chemical blogs about products and training on our news and blog page here: https://profitmaxchemical.com/news/
    © 2022 ProfitMax Chemical. All Rights Reserved ® ℗

    Trap Tender Device from Sunburst Chemicals. A 2 Minute Tip.
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    2 分
  • Environmentally sensitive cleaning podcast Introduction
    Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast Introduction from ProfitMax Chemical is the title of s1. E1. of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast. This podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.

    This is an introduction and overview about ProfitMax Chemical and their new podcast called the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast.

    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast from ProfitMax Chemical shares about the training, defining and explaining the options and opportunities to achieve the best clean for you while caring for those around you and the environment.

    ProfitMax Chemical is a training and sales company distributing environmentally sensitive cleaning products and the education on how to use them. Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    ProfitMax Chemical is a training and sales company distributing environmentally sensitive cleaning products and the education on how to use them. Our stewarding process offers cleaning and sanitizing solutions individualized for each business. ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve as an endurance resource providing inviting and clean locations for all their customers.

    Providing education and training on the use of the products with both the individual and the environment in mind.

    Helping supermarkets, laundries, restaurants, and hotels along with agriculture, and other commercial markets.

    A quantitative and qualitative Proof of Process for products, production, manufacturing and distribution.

    From training and educating to the continued relationships and personalized products, ProfitMax Chemical aims to serve every client and connection as an endurance resource.

    A resource for product awareness
    An informative pathway for purchasing
    A public and consumer education advocate
    A source of authority for training

    As a 20 year established company of training, educating and sales in the cleaning industry, ProfitMax Chemical offers an ongoing array of environmentally sensitive products and services. For most, cleaning is a part of everyday life at home and in business. By helping to educate and serve, ProfitMax Chemical is able to address and assist in a number of areas.

    When it comes to cleaning and sanitizing solutions, ProfitMax Chemical’s qualitative and quantitative Proof of Process centers around educating, selling and training on the products and the individualized applications.
    Our Proof of Process takes into account:
    Cost elements
    Product specifications
    Understanding the products
    The time it takes to clean
    Amount of product required to clean.
    Employee Training modules
    Management Education and Support.
    Environmental Impact.

    Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast Introduction from ProfitMax Chemical is the title of s1. E1. of the Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast.

    The Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning podcast covers an array of topics surrounding the products, process and performance of environmentally Sensitive Cleaning and sanitizing solutions for any business of any size.
    ProfitMax Chemical delivers Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Solutions and is promoting clean, inviting locations that can be sustained and maintained in a simple and time effective manner.
    Website: https://profitmaxchemical.com
    FaceBook: https://facebook.com/profitmaxchemical/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/profitmaxchem/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/profitmaxchemical/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxPuG16hAQGpVyy7-SvrSAg
    Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning Podcast Introduction
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    9 分