Many of the beautiful migrant languages we have here in Aotearoa are safely maintained in homes around the motu. In this epi we leave our couch and take a seat with some friends Harthiga Gnanam & Thuvaraka Poobalu, two cousins who share ancestry to Sri Lanka and a language, Tamil. What's new, similar and different to trying to maintain te reo Māori in our whare? Let's find out!
Me mihi ka tika ki ēnei whare i tautoko mai i a māua, i puta ai ēnei kōrero ki te ao:
ATA - ngā whakaahua, ngā mahi etita
Te Matawai - nāna i tautoko mai ā-pūtea nei
Mei kore kōrua i whakaaomarama mai ai a 2ctk!