In this special "2024 Election Series" episode, Ellina Yin covers General Purpose Committees, what they do and why they are important. Ever wonder who is sending you all those mailers during election season? Tune in to learn about all the various ways these committees can shape the political landscape in your community. Source Cited:
- Chapter 14 Political Party Committees https://www.fppc.ca.gov/content/dam/fppc/NS-Documents/TAD/Campaign%20Manuals/Manual_4/Manual_4_Ch_14_Political_Party_Committees.pdf
- General Purpose Committee https://www.fppc.ca.gov/content/dam/fppc/NS-Documents/LegalDiv/Regulations/Index/Chapter2/18227.5.pdf
- There are 15 cities in Santa Clara County. This page provides a brief overview of the cities and links to the city website. https://santaclaralafco.org/cities-and-special-districts/cities-information