Damian Griffis is a proud Worimi man and CEO of FPDN - First Peoples Disability Network.
Timestamps added below if you want to skip to your juice.
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Add, Follow or Contact Damian:
Website: https://fpdn.org.au/
Add, Follow or Contact me:
Email: streetrollingcheetah@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/street_rolling_cheetah/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/st_rollcheetah
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/StreetRollingCheetah/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-briggs-77b867100/
(00:05:40) Advocacy and Inspiration
(00:12:45) Evolution of FPDN
(00:18:00) Vision Statement and Ego’s
(00:24:30) Getting funded and how
(00:30:00) Mungo Man and Inclusion
(00:36:00) How can the NDIS help and System Failure
(00:45:30) International Community
(00:51:00) Overrepresentation and Indefinite Detention
(01:01:00) Speaking Truth to Power
(01:07:00) Did the Disability Royal Commission work?
(01:12:00) Where to now with FPDN?