
  • Data & Democracy

    Can you still trust your own online trail? The invisible threads of digital manipulation are so subtle, and yet they have an enormous power. In our new episode of #GlobalPerspectives, we, like #AI and #BigData, re-explore the rules of free opinion formation "Writing and not only distorting our perception, but also endangering our #democracy.

    You want to check further information on this topic? Here are some links to dig in deeper:

    · EU Digital Services Act

    · Today’s world and technology: Key issues

    · Technology and democracy

    · Solutions

    · First closed-door AI Insight Forum in Washington, D.C. on 13.9.2023

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    25 分
  • Africa between East and West, global power shifts and a new world? – How is Africa and Europe responding to challenges and opportunities of advancing the rules based system

    Since the COVID-pandemic and Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, global fault lines have deepened. System rivalry is becoming a buzzword and Africa seems to be in the center of it.

    With the Russia-Africa Summit, which took place recently in St. Petersburg, the upcoming BRICS Summit in August in Johannesburg, and the Unite Nations Future Summit next year in New York there is a lot of discussion but also speculation in the international community about a new international order or a new world. While there is not necessarily alignment between and within BRICS and the states of the global south on how a new international system should be structured there is common push for a reform of the global governance intuitions.

    What role should Africa and Europe play to respond to challenges and opportunities of advancing the international rules-based system in a shifting geopolitical context?

    To that end Hanns Bühler from our Hanns Seidel Foundation office in South Africa talks to African and European scholars:


    -          Dr. Jakkie Cilliers, Head of the African Futures and Innovation Team at African Institute for Security Studies headquartered in Pretoria


    -          Dr. Stefan Mair, Director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs and Executive Chairman of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

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    33 分
  • Russia in Africa and the Wagner Group

    After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, reactions on the African continent were and still are divided. Africa remains the voting block with the most abstentions at the UN-resolutions on the war.

    Although being a minor economical player compared to the USA, China, or the EU, it seems that Russia is exercising an outsized degree of political influence across some parts of Africa. One key instrument of Russia’s engagement on the continent is the Wagner Group - Yevgeny Prigozhins private military company which is undermining democratic progresses, stability, as well as Western interests. How influential is Russia on the African continent? What are Wagner’s prospects and objectives in Africa after the mutiny? And what should African states and international partners do to enhance economic progress and stability?


    Julia Stanyard, Thierry Vircoulon, Julian Rademeyer, “The Grey Zone. Russia’s military, mercenary and criminal engagement in Africa”, Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime


    Executive Summary:


    Priyal Singh, “Russia-Africa relations in an age of renewed great power competition”, Institute for Security Studies


    Executive Summary:

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    35 分
  • Folge 26: Food Crisis - Why are we failing to address food security?

    Millionen Menschen leben in Hungersnot. Weltweit hat sich die Lage der #Ernährungssicherheit von Jahr zu Jahr verschlechtert. Die Vereinten Nationen kritisieren dies scharf: „Hunger ist das Ergebnis politischen Versagens.“ In unserem Podcast #GlobalPerspectives erklärt Botschafter Bleicker die globale Nahrungsmittelkrise und ruft die internationale Gemeinschaft zu entschiedenem Handeln auf.

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    20 分
  • “A World in turmoil – Perspectives from countries of the Global South: Brazil, India and South Africa”

    International cooperation faces immense challenges in the face of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and still unresolved consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    At the global level, fault lines have appeared, showing that Europe's and "the West's" power of persuasion and attraction have worn off and do not enjoy unlimited loyalty.

    To what extent does the Russian war of aggression imply a "Zeitenwende", as proclaimed by Chancellor Scholz, for countries of the Global South, for example key emerging economies such as Brazil, India and South Africa? How do they justify their respective positions in relation to the Russian war of aggression? Will the consequences of the pandemic be overcome? What are currently the greatest challenges facing these states? - (HSF discusses these issues with academics from Think Tanks in Brazil, India and South Africa).

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    20 分
  • NATO – The Alliance is not “braindead”, after all

    “We cannot discount the possibility of an attack against Allies’ sovereignty and territorial integrity.” This passage from NATO’s 2022 strategic concept states a sobering outlook for the future of defence and security. With security experts Aylin Matlé and Andrea Rotter, we discuss NATO’s concrete and upcoming adjustments to these threats. What’s NATO’s position towards Russia? Will the US remain the cornerstone of the Alliance? And what do the NATO accession states Sweden and Finland bring to the table?

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    24 分
  • Good Governance and Democracy: What is at stake?

    Democracies are under pressure worldwide. This year, for example, the Bertelsmann Transformation Index identified more autocratic than democratic states for the first time since 2014. At the same time, many countries of the Global South are alleging that the EU and NATO are pursuing double standard politics. Against the backdrop of these developments we ask: What is good governance actually about? What is the importance of democracy in this context? What capabilities and how much space for action do civil society actors have in different countries? And how can they be supported for example by the EU?


    Demokratien sind weltweit unter Druck. Der Bertelsmann Transformationsindex zum Beispiel verzeichnet dieses Jahr erstmals seit 2014 mehr autokratische als demokratische Staaten. Gleichzeitig werfen viele Staaten des Globalen Südens der EU und der NATO Doppelmoral vor.
    Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklungen stellen wir die Frage, worum es bei good governance eigentlich geht, und welche Bedeutung der Demokratie dabei zukommt. Welche Fähigkeiten und Handlungsspielräume haben zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure in den verschiedenen Ländern? Und wie können sie zum Beispiel von der EU unterstützt werden?

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    29 分
  • Moldova – from Neutrality to EU Membership?

    “Neutrality maybe works in times of peace, but not in times of war” (I. Groza). Moldovan security experts Denis Cenusá and Iulian Groza analyse the country's trajectory from neutrality to discussing EU accession and NATO membership. Where does Moldova stand in the wake of growing instabilities in Russian-backed Transnistria? And how will the country manoeuvre if tensions with Russia intensify?

    Moldau – von der Neutralität zum EU Mitgliedsland? 

    “Neutralität funktioniert vielleicht in Zeiten des Friedens, aber nicht im Krieg“ (I. Groza) Die moldawischen Sicherheitsexperten Denis Cenusá und Iulian Groza analysieren die Entwicklung des Landes von der konstitutionell gewahrten Neutralität hin zu Diskussionen um einen EU oder auch NATO Beitritt. Wie wappnet sich Moldau auf das schwelende Gefahrenpotential im russisch-gestützten Transnistrien? Und wie wird sich das Land positionieren, sollte die Bedrohung durch Russland eskalieren?

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    26 分