• 83. Getting Off Track Have you Feeling Like a Failure in Your Healthy Living? How to Navigate Seasons of Rest in Grace, Truth and Obedience [Plus Special Announcement]

    Have you ever thought that if you stopped something or slowed down on it that it was like giving up or failing? Do you wonder if there can be a balance of resting AND working hard toward your health goals? Are you curious what the process of letting go of something in obedience to the Lord looks like when it comes to your health or life? Today, I’m talking about it all in pure honesty of where the Lord has been working in my heart and life lately and the season that He is leading me into next on a personal level and what that has to do with you and this podcast. I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this episode as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory! In Joy, Lauren P.S. My prayer is that this isn’t goodbye, it’s talk to you later! In the meantime, listen back through old episodes on this podcast, practice and apply the things I've talked about that you haven't yet tried, AND check out a few of my best recommendations for keeping yourself encouraged an accountable as you continue forward living health and empowered for the glory of God!

    Kaela McKaig

    His Word My Walk Podcast


    Jessica Hottle

    Face Off With Your Feelings Podcast


    Robin Rhine McDonald

    Vision Driven Health Podcast


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    20 分
  • 82. Ready For a Break From All the To-Do’s of Health and Life? How Rhythms of Weekly Sabbath Rest Can Help You Live With More Peace and Less Stress

    Do you find yourself working and stressing all week long, never finding time to take a break?

    Are you wondering if something like weekly Sabbath is even possible for a busy mom like you?

    Do you believe the Lord is calling to something more with Him but can’t seem to find enough to seek Him and find out?

    With all of the to-do’s looming over your head, especially when you think about what you want to do to be living “healthy,” it can be really overwhelming to think about now setting aside more time for weekly rest too! I know first hand that it can be challenging, especially if you’re anything like me and are driven by achievement, accomplishment and productivity. But the Lord has been teaching me so much about rest and I want to share it with you!

    Today, I want to talk about what developing a weekly rhythm of rest might look like for you and how it can impact your ability to live the healthy and empowered life you are longing for.

    Even if you have good rhythms of daily rest like sleeping and quiet times, the Bible has some things to teach about having weekly rhythms in place too for resting.

    Grab your Bible and a notebook and let’s get into it!

    I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this episode as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Ways to Connect with Me:

    I love to hear all the feedback from listeners, email me at lauren@lauren-joyce.com

    Want to know more about me and what I do? Visit my website at healthyandempoweredliving.com

    Need to connect with others on the journey and get support and encouragement where you're at? Join our FREE Joyful Health for Christian Moms FB Community: bit.ly/joyfulhealthforchristianmoms

    It would make my day to hear from you! Will you be so kind as to leave a quick review here.

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    21 分
  • 81. Find it Challenging to Make Healthy Decisions When You’re Tired? How Rhythms of Daily Rest Will Give You Energy, Emotional Stability and Mental Clarity

    Are you tired of feeling tired day in and day out?

    Do you wonder if there will ever come a time in your life where you don’t feel stressed?

    Are you curious if resting will truly create more peace than chaos in your days?

    The truth is…REST is so much more than sleep.

    When you are well rested, you live a calm and peaceful life.

    When you are well rested you have energy to do the things you need to do and mental capacity to make the decisions that need to be made.

    When you are well rested you can manage your emotions rather than let your emotions manage you.

    Today I want to talk about daily rhythms of rest - more than just sleep - that you can implement so you can begin to live with less stress, more energy, and truly make your healthiest decisions consistently.

    Grab your Bible and a notebook and let’s get into it!

    I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this episode as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Ways to Connect with Me:

    I love to hear all the feedback from listeners, email me at lauren@lauren-joyce.com

    Want to know more about me and what I do? Visit my website at healthyandempoweredliving.com

    Need to connect with others on the journey and get support and encouragement where you're at? Join our FREE Joyful Health for Christian Moms FB Community: bit.ly/joyfulhealthforchristianmoms

    It would make my day to hear from you! Will you be so kind as to leave a quick review here.

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    22 分
  • 80. Are You Always Feeling Stressed and Tired of Having to Try So Hard to Live Healthy? Why REST is Just What Your Health Journey Needs

    Do you find yourself stressed and on edge more often than you like? Are you tired of being tired all the time? Do you have a hard time prioritizing rest?

    I know how frustrating it can be to have every intention of doing something and then just not be able to follow through. I understand the challenges of trying to live healthy when you have zero energy for anything.

    Today, I want to encourage you that there is a better way, a Biblical way, to live healthy without the stress and exhaustion and you can start making changes that will impact your health today!

    Grab your notebook and a Bible and let’s dive in!

    I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this episode as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Ways to Connect with Me:

    I love to hear all the feedback from listeners, email me at lauren@lauren-joyce.com

    Want to know more about me and what I do? Visit my website at healthyandempoweredliving.com

    Need to connect with others on the journey and get support and encouragement where you're at? Join our FREE Joyful Health for Christian Moms FB Community: bit.ly/joyfulhealthforchristianmoms

    It would make my day to hear from you! Will you be so kind as to leave a quick review here.

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    15 分
  • 79. Wondering What’s Really Behind Your Digestion Problems? How to Find Out What Your Body Really Needs With Special Guest Allison Jordan [Part 2]

    Have you tried more food restrictions than you’d like and found that they are not helping your digestion issues?

    Are you tired of dealing with gut discomfort…you know bloating, constipation, all the things… and not knowing what is causing it?

    Do you find yourself wondering why regular doctors and traditional medicine aren’t helping with any of it?

    Well, let’s talk about that today!

    Because the truth is that you shouldn’t have to live with gut discomfort and digestion issues any more or deal with traditional medicine and food restriction that isn’t helping!

    The last thing I want is for you to NOT be able to do the things that the Lord is calling you to do in this life because your health is holding you back.

    What I get to share in today’s episode is that it turns out there could be other underlying causes of your gut health issues AND solutions that are not related to your diet.

    Tune into the second half of this interview with my guest Allison Jordan. Make sure to stick around until the end because she has a super special offer just for the listeners of this podcast.

    Also, if you haven’t listened to part 1 of this interview, pause this and go listen to that first, episode 78!

    I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this conversation as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory! Let’s get into it!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Connect with Allison Jordan:

    Allison is a functional medicine health coach, certified craniosacral therapist, gut health nerd, and in addition to those fancy credentials, is also a marathon runner, author, wife, momma, and seeker of all things better health and better life.

    She helps women end bloating and constipation through functional lab testing and rad science! As you’ll hear her share, she ended up doing this when God led her through her own journey of illness that no doctor could fix. While she prayed repeatedly for God to heal her, instead, He led her to functional lab testing and understanding why traditional health advice isn’t healing women or giving them the health they want.

    She founded Better Belly Therapies to help both local and virtual clients who are searching for answers, but have hit a dead end in gut health solutions.

    LISTEN | The Better Belly Podcast

    FOLLOW | @betterbellytherapies

    VISIT | https://betterbellytherapies.com

    FREE GIFT | TOTAL Liver Detox Protocol

    HEAL | Better Belly Blueprint Use code EMPOWERED50 for $50 off when paying in full

    Ways to Connect with Me:

    I love to hear all the feedback from listeners, email me at lauren@lauren-joyce.com

    Want to know more about me and what I do? Visit my website at healthyandempoweredliving.com

    Need to connect with others on the journey and get support and encouragement where you're at? Join our FREE Joyful Health for Christian Moms FB Community: bit.ly/joyfulhealthforchristianmoms

    It would make my day to hear from you! Will you be so kind as to leave a quick review here.

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    25 分
  • 78. Can God Really Help You Live Your Healthiest? A Gut Health and Healing Testimony from Special Guest Allison Jordan [Part 1]

    Have you ever wondered if God really cares about the details of your health and how you’re feeling physically?

    Do you question if God can really give you the answers and provide a way for you to live as your healthiest self in this life?

    Well, I’ll give you a hint. God cares and God knows and today’s special guest is going to share all about her story. From having to leave ministry because of chronic illness, to God leading her on a long path of health and healing to how she helps women just like you today, you’ll get all the details.

    Today’s guest is Allison Jordan. She is a functional medicine health coach, certified craniosacral therapist, gut health nerd, and in addition to those fancy credentials, is also a marathon runner, author, wife, momma, and seeker of all things better health and better life.

    She helps women end bloating and constipation through functional lab testing and rad science! As you’ll hear her share, she ended up doing this when God led her through her own journey of illness that no doctor could fix. While she prayed repeatedly for God to heal her, instead, He led her to functional lab testing and understanding why traditional health advice isn’t healing women or giving them the health they want.

    She founded Better Belly Therapies to help both local and virtual clients who are searching for answers, but have hit a dead end in gut health solutions.

    I’m so excited to share this and I pray you are encouraged to keep seeking the Lord, listening for Him, and walking in each next step He guides you to even when it doesn’t make sense. I know you will be blessed by this conversation so grab a notebook and your Bible and let’s get into it!

    Oh, also, this is only part 1 of the amazing conversation so be sure to tune in next week to hear all about the nitty gritty of what Allison does and hear about a special offer she has just for those who are listening to this podcast!

    Again, I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this episode as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Connect with Allison Jordan:

    LISTEN | The Better Belly Podcast

    FOLLOW | @betterbellytherapies

    VISIT | https://betterbellytherapies.com

    FREE GIFT | TOTAL Liver Detox Protocol

    Ways to Connect with Me:

    I love to hear all the feedback from listeners, email me at lauren@lauren-joyce.com

    Want to know more about me and what I do? Visit my website at healthyandempoweredliving.com

    Need to connect with others on the journey and get support and encouragement where you're at? Join our FREE Joyful Health for Christian Moms FB Community: bit.ly/joyfulhealthforchristianmoms

    It would make my day to hear from you! Will you be so kind as to leave a quick review here.

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    32 分
  • 77. Want to Live Healthy God’s Way But Don’t Know Where to Start? 3 Healthy Habits to Focus on as Your Learn to Hear God’s Voice

    Have you been trying to live healthy or change your habits but seen no lasting results?

    Are you sick of starting something new in your diet or exercise routine but not being able to stick with it for very long?

    I know how you feel and you’re not alone! I think much of diet culture tries to convince you to change everything or overhaul your life for a short time and then once you get the results you’re looking for, you can go back to living the way you were…

    But I know, and I’m sure you know too, that doesn’t really help you create lasting healthy habits.

    So, if you are in a place where you just don’t feel like you know where you should start with getting healthy, with changing habits to help you live a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, get more energy, whatever it is “living healthy” means to you…

    I want to get practical and share 3 places to start when it comes to creating habits that last and of course encouragement to keep seeking the Lord as you begin to take action in your health.

    I know sometimes it can be so overwhelming, you can feel so tired and not motivated to do “what you know you need to do” and you might have the understanding and belief that you need to take better care of your body, your health, as a way to honor the Lord…

    but I also get that it’s a journey and sometimes you need somewhere to start to get your energy levels up, to have some quick wins for motivation, to get in the habit or practicing hearing from the Lord for His specific direction.

    The healthy habits I want to share today are super simple, easy to commit to, and can have a big impact on your overall health as a place for you to start!

    So, grab your notebook and Bible and let’s dig in!

    I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this episode as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Related Episodes:

    1. How to make changes to your eating without restricting foods or overhauling your life

    1. Need Help Navigating the Holiday Food Overload? 3 Simple Healthy Eating Tips to Feel Your Best This Season

    1. Struggling with overeating? 2 Mindset shifts to help you feel full the right way

    1. Does Eating Healthy as a Busy Mom Feel Overwhelming? 2 Simple Food Habits You Can Begin Today

    1. Want to Consistently Eat Healthy? 3 Things Holding You Back

    1. BEST OF: When Mindfulness is the Only Healthy Eating Tip You Need (Replay of Ep. 24)

    1. Want to Make Better Healthy Food Choices? 3 Things You Should Learn that Diets Don’t Teach

    Ways to Connect with Me:

    I love to hear all the feedback from listeners, email me at lauren@lauren-joyce.com

    Want to know more about me and what I do? Visit my website at healthyandempoweredliving.com

    Need to connect with others on the journey and get support and encouragement where you're at? Join our FREE Joyful Health for Christian Moms FB Community: bit.ly/joyfulhealthforchristianmoms

    It would make my day to hear from you! Will you be so kind as to leave a quick review here.

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    22 分
  • 76. Ready to Get Out of the Diet Mindset for Good? The #1 Way to Live in God’s Grace and Experience Freedom and Confidence in Your Health with Robin Rhine McDonald

    If you’ve ridden the diet roller coaster before…

    If you’re ready to stop living in the shame of all the “should’s” this world’s version of health teaches…

    If you know that growing in a relationship with the Lord is how to truly live healthy but don’t know where to start…

    Tune in to this super encouraging, wisdom filled conversation because in today’s episode, I’m so excited to share with you an interview I did with Robin Rhine McDonald from the Vision Driven Health podcast where we dive more into why seeking the Lord first even in your health journey is important but also into some practical strategies to begin walking this out with the Lord in your daily life.

    Robin is a Faith-Based Holistic Health Coach, proud mom and wife with a passion for supporting and empowering Jesus-loving women to gain true health while losing weight through her sustainable, grace-based process. She loves to help women ditch chronic dieting and disease for holistic health and wellness. She mixes her seminary background with her study of integrative nutrition to help women develop the energy and vitality to live out their unique God-given calling.

    I pray you are blessed and encouraged by this conversation as you journey forward living healthy and empowered by the grace of God and all for His glory!

    In Joy,


    P.S. If you found value in this episode (or any episode), will you take a moment to share it with a friend? My heart is that more women can be reached and encouraged by what God shares through me on this podcast and one of the best ways for that to happen is by YOU sharing it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in each week and for taking the time to share it!

    Last Episode with Robin: 49. Trying to Lose Weight? The #1 Mindset Shift to Lead You to Sustainable Healthy Living

    Make sure you connect with Robin on the Vision Driven Health podcast

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    33 分