
  • Cloud 3.0: Is It All in the PaaS?
    Cloud buzzword of the day: PaaS - platform as a service. With so many so-called best-of-breed software solutions floating around, it feels like we are back in the siloed ‘90s. Industry futurists say that PaaS can tie them all together. So, are you ready to boost your company’s status from mere-mortal best-in-class to first-mover advantage and beyond? Our experts speak: Chris Horak: “Technology is king. Content is King Kong.” Frank Scavo: “You don't get a pass just because you're SaaS. Jon Reed: “It's not about product suites, it's about the platform! Join us for their in-depth insights on Cloud 3.0: Is It All in the PaaS?
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  • Best Bang for your Buck: Private, Public, or Hybrid Cloud?
    The cloud. Shopping for cloud solutions based solely on price? Look deeper, say the experts. Jeff Anders: “Nearly everyone is under the gun to save money and looking for that ‘silver bullet’ to solve their problem, but even the most skilled hunter can shoot himself in the foot sometimes. Cost is only one factor when trying to decide between public, private and hybrid cloud solutions.” Allan Krans: “It may be time to rethink everything you know about private cloud. Current stereotypes of private cloud as the secure and more costly alternative to public cloud are rapidly eroding as adoption grows…many early adopters are already achieving costs on par or lower compared with public cloud benchmarks...” Xavier De Romagna: If hybrid cloud is here to stay...what are the implications?” Madhuri Chawla: “Cloud computing – is it an evolution or a revolution?” Join us for more insights on Best Bang for your Buck: Private, Public, or Hybrid Cloud?
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  • Cool BI: Emerging Trends in the Cloud
    Business Intelligence (BI). In 1989, Howard Dresser proposed BI to describe “concepts and methods to improve business decision making by using fact-based support systems.” Yes, your company needs BI to survive, but now you have to choose between on-premise BI – inflexible, complex – and cloud or SaaS BI – more agile, affordable, accessible. And if you opt for cloud, is it mature or trustworthy enough yet? The experts debate. Cindi Howson: “Cloud BI promises to make on-premise installations obsolete, much to the fear of traditional IT departments. CIOs love cloud BI; it’s the worker bees that fear it.” Mico Yuk: “When referring to SaaS BI, Gartner says, ‘Cloud offerings will make up just 3 percent of business intelligence (BI) revenue by 2013, as user adoption will lag far behind the expectations of vendors.’” Ilan Frank: “Want to dip your toes into cloud BI? Try prototyping your on-premise BI using a cloud BI solution.”
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  • Mobile Moments: Opportunity or Catastrophe?
    Mobile Moments. According to Mary Meeker’s 2012 annual Internet trends report, 2.3 billion people are globally connected by the Internet, almost 3 % of all US adults own a tablet, and mobile is the source of 8% of all e-commerce. These trends can mean opportunity or catastrophe for your business. Which will it be? Our experts weigh in:
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  • Women In IT: Gender diversity at work
    Women in IT. True or false: Gender diversity in the information technology workforce enables better decision making, increased creativity, and innovative performance? We’ll ask the experts. Emily Jasper: “When you talk about women in IT, two different conversations are going on: women in computing roles versus women in leadership. Solutions that address one area may actually hinder the other.” Marilyn Kibler-Colón: “Women are excellent leaders because they understand the business issues and they know how to build relationships and collaborate throughout all levels of the organization to drive and implement the technical solutions.” Sherryanne Meyer: “’There’s no crying in baseball!’ Tom Hanks as Jimmy Dugan flipping out on right-fielder Evelyn Gardner for costing the team the league.” Tracey Arnish: “As women we must be the masters of our own destiny and we must take ownership for the strengths we bring as transformational leaders.” Join us for Women In IT: Gender diversity at work.
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  • Me and My Shadow: IT Gone Rogue – Part 2
    Shadow IT. Rogue IT. Call it what you will, it’s still a force lurking outside traditional IT. Our June 14 panel had so much to say that we’re continuing the discussion around these experts’ insights: Steve Romero: “If the business fulfilled its obligation to govern IT, there would be no Shadow IT.” Judson Wickham: “If Shadow IT can provide dashboards and charts that executives can twirl around on their iPad, they don’t care about the source of the information.” Jeff Kaplan: “CIOs are no longer in control of software and technology procurement decisions in their organizations, whether they like it or not.” Greg Chase: “We’ve all heard the complaints from the business: IT is too slow, not aligned with business strategy, at the same time too controlling and inflexible. Really what we need is a redefinition of the relationship between business and IT.” Join us for more on Me and My Shadow: IT Gone Rogue – Part 2. p.s. Take your Coffee Break with Game-Changers every Wed. 8 AM Pacific on the Business Channel.
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  • HR Globalization: Ready or Not?
    HR globalization. An inevitable challenge as your marketplace changes and new opportunities arise, perhaps in maturing countries. But are you and your employees ready to venture out of your home base comfort zone, to do business among other cultures around the globe? The experts have a lot to say. Emily Jasper: “Globalization is centralizing how we do business, bringing us to a new universal model. Comparative advantage will go to those with emphasis on great talent and innovation, not on geographic boundaries.” China Gorman: “Globalization is first about mindset and second about customers. Absent both of these, organizations won’t be global–they’ll be local with global aspirations. And they won’t be competitive.” Dr. Steven Hunt: “Culture can be used as a convenient excuse for the failure of poorly designed and deployed processes.” Join us for HR Globalization: Ready or Not?
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  • Start-ups and Technology: Real Game-Changers
    Start-ups. A bad time to launch one? Not! Technology is helping start-ups disrupt the status quo and become real economic game-changers. Louis Leporace, Next Principles: “Companies that fail to successfully incorporate social media, analytics, and big data into their business today will be the dinosaurs of their industry in three to five years.” Joe Hyland, Taulia: “We can make real time funding decisions, all within the cloud, by analyzing millions of buyer-supplier relationships in a split second to find the right financing rate and options for the requesting supplier.” Pan Kamal, AlertEnterprise: “With predictive risk analytics...organizations can now analyze risk almost instantaneously and take proactive steps to prevent malicious threats before they manifest.” Daniel Quirk, Dell: “In-memory computing allows access to data in ways not previously possible and will change how we look at data and analyze business.” Join us for Start-ups and Technology: Real Game-Changers
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