Episode 6: Mr.BasTiEn decodes the social education of love. We are taught and trained to love outward amongst the people, places, and things we love which connects us to care much more deeply amongst outer love rather than experiencing of inner Celf love. With education, social standards complying us to become followers in an influencing world, making assembly line thinkers rather those who can think for themselves. In this conversation, JaMes breaks down how inner excellence is subjugated through our upraising as some were provided the tools to love, believe, and respect Celf unconditionally and vice versa were thought to be obedient to their surroundings decision makings or believes systems. Are you a leader, or a follower? Time shall tell, energy is time so be careful and patient to the energies you place in you or around yourcelf amongst people, places, and things.
"My Energy Ecliptic, loves circle persona
Celf love best love = world love u knows my honor.
Greetings, Thy be your host JaMes Peter Bastien
In peace prosperity power, it’s my honor
To share my affirmations- visualizations in unisons manifestation in all satisfactions
The mind, body & soul is to grow in all facades
Presented in procreation
This is MB9T Podcast show
May you be at peace in whatever the action is proclaiming, ascending the greatest of all satisfaction like your goals a bull eyes, your actions the dart, believe in you know matter the ending or the start, for your life, must you claim it. ✍🏿 J.P.B. ~ 9 #cellsofcelf💜.
Mr.Bastiens 9 Tablets | Spirituality
Affirm- Visualize - Manifest | Instagram | Linktree