For some people, it’s a pie in the sky number they wish they could achieve… but likely can only dream of. But for many dentists, a 1-million-dollar retirement nest egg would leave you WOEFULLY SHORT of being able to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
I'll never forget what Hugh told me nearly two decades ago. Hugh Doherty is one of the very few dentists who also hold the title CFP... Certified Financial Planner. Hugh told me that 95% of dentists will NEVER RETIRE to the same level of financial comfort they enjoyed while they had an active income from dental practice.
How could that be? We invest our hearts and souls into helping patients. Why is it that only 5% of us have achieved a level of financial security affording us a "comfortable" retirement... one in which we are able to maintain the same (or better) standard of living as we enjoyed during our working years?
When I turned 38 years-old I had over a million dollars... in debt... was in the middle of a divorce, and nearly lost my practice and my home. At age 46 I sold my two practices and was fortunate to be in the 5% who never had to work again, unless I chose to. Is $1,000,000 enough for a comfortable retirement? How can you ensure you and your family will be in the fortunate 5% when the day comes?
How Much Is Enough?
Of course, this number will vary greatly. This episode is meant to get you thinking about what you'll need… and get you MOTIVATED to take ACTION to MAP OUT and get on the path to your own comfortable retirement.
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