Our first Season 2 "deep-dive" into the emerging practice of building with laminated, pre-fabricated beams and assemblies explains how engineered timber paves the way for much taller wood buildings to be constructed across the globe. Tune in to learn about all the environmental and sustainability benefits of swapping in structural wood in lieu of concrete and steel.
Find out what's been holding things back in the US and how important sustainable forestry practices are if this building method truly ends up "catching fire". Oh, and what happens when "mass timber" structures actually do catch fire? Listen to the episode to find out...it's not what you think!
Show Sponsor - www.sustainablehomesofthefuture.com
Contact Host - info@shfbuild.com
Show Notes:
Bessie Surtees House - https://historicengland.org.uk/get-involved/visit/bessie-surtees-house/
River Beech Tower - https://perkinswill.com/project/river-beech-tower/
Forestry Stewardship Council - https://fsc.org/en
Sustainable Forestry Initiative - https://www.forests.org/
Bruce King - https://www.ecobuildnetwork.org/projects/new-carbon-architecture
Michael Green (T3) - http://mg-architecture.ca/work/t3-minneapolis/
Think Wood - https://www.thinkwood.com/mass-timber