Link to blog: https://paleostressmanagement.com/new-20-second-daily-move-to-ease-stress-and-anxiety-easily A study published in the journal Behaviour Research and Therapy examined the effectiveness of self-compassionate touch as a stress-reduction technique. The study found that participants who practiced self-compassionate touch for 20 seconds each day for a month experienced lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reported higher levels of self-compassion, less stress, and better mental health compared to a control group. The researchers suggest that self-compassionate touch, which involves placing one's hand on the heart or belly and taking deep breaths while sending oneself feelings of warmth and kindness, can be an effective and accessible way to manage stress and improve emotional well-being. The study also highlighted the importance of staying connected, prioritizing self-care, and managing stress through healthy lifestyle choices like getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet.