
  • "I Can't Breathe! : Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety and Stress!"

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    In this episode, I discuss some major life updates that have been going on in my life over the last 8 months. I also tackle the topic of anxiety and stress and how we are to respond from a Biblical perspective when anxiety strikes!

    Anxiety is a scary thing, and millions are affected by it everyday, but God gives us the power to overcome! If you are looking for some encouragement, or a way to combat the enemy at his schemes to place fear and panic in your life, then this is the episode for you.

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    45 分
  • In The Home, But Not Your Home

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    Episode 1 of Season 2 is finally out! "In The Home, But Not Your Home" discusses the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ and why so many young people walk away from their faith. In this episode, I share about two of Jesus brothers James and Jude and how both didn't believe He was the Messiah until after His death and resurrection. Both grew up in the home that Jesus physically occupied and yet didn't believe in him. Why? Because Jesus was in the home but not their Home!

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    28 分
  • Ok. Umm.. So What's Next?

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    Hey everyone! Long time no, podcast.. haha
    I apologize to those who listen to every episode! I truly appreciate you and your time. This weeks episode has everything to do with trusting God in the transitions of life. Transitions are never a fun thing to go through, but we all have, are, or will go through many throughout our lives. As of now, this is one of the biggest transitions my family and I have been a part of. So with that said, today I would like to share with you all what I have been up to and why I haven't been recording lately. Big things are in store for Face It! Ministries and God is truly moving my family and I into a new season. I pray that this episode inspires you to trust God and lean on Him when you are being tested. Love you all! ~ Steven

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    38 分
  • Ep. 9 Living A Purpose Filled Life

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    In this episode, I discuss the idea that anyone can live a purposeful life, but without God it leads to nothing. The Word says in Mark 8:36 "For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul." In order to live a life truly of purpose, we must access the Holy Spirit. Join me to learn more of who the Holy Spirit is and what He empowers us to do.

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    32 分
  • Ep. 8 Persevere!

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    Hey everyone!! It has been nearly two months since I have made a podcast! I apologize! These past few months have been very stressful and taxing on my family and I. Back in August before the storm my family and I discovered that my grandfather on my moms side had stage 4 cancer all throughout his body and brain. Within weeks we watched his decline happen fast. It was a rough experience to witness, and to see my grandmother, who was married to him for 57 years, have to see that was painful and truly sad. With all this happening, we also launched Face It! back in the schools and have been speaking weekly within four school campuses. God has been moving on huge proportions for the ministry and has blessed us with the opportunity to speak to over 500+ students in four of the nine schools we attend. We plan in the spring to be on all nine campuses. With my grandfather being sick and the added weekly schedule of Face It!, I have been slacking on making time to record for the podcast. Again I apologize for the delay! Last Wednesday my grandfather went to be with the Lord and this weeks topic on Perseverance seemed like the best thing to share with you all. I believe we as Christians are constantly put through trials of many kinds like James 1:2-4 says, and it can be tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We can battle with questions like "Does God hear me?" "Am I being punished" "When will He answer my prayers?" and "How will I get through this?" What's great is that in every trial, God allows those very oppositions to produce in us the very thing to get out of it, Perseverance! Tune in to this weeks episode to discover how God can produce perseverance in your life to get through any trial!!

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    20 分
  • Ep. 7 Committed To The Calling

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    You ever feel like giving up? Looking for encouragement in your walk with Christ? In this episode I break down the Calling God has in store for those who decide to follow Him. Answering the call is one thing, but deciding to continue to trust and follow God when things get difficult is another. When times get rough and it feels like God isn't listening or answering, we have to return to where it all started. We have to remind ourselves of the reason we followed in the first place! In Ephesians 4:1, Paul writes to the people of Ephesus "I a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling. For you have been called by God." Paul encourages the church by reminding them that they have been called by God to do His will! As Christians we've been called as well. Find out more about your calling in this episode.

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    24 分
  • Ep. 6 The Waiting Room

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    This is by far my most vulnerable episode yet! This weeks topic tackles the idea of waiting on God and is geared to encourage those who are stuck in the "Waiting Room." Many people within ministry tend to speak from where they're at, and right now my family and I are experiencing the "Waiting Room" on many different levels. Maybe you are waiting on God to do something in your life too! Trust me I know waiting on the Lord is never easy, but I want to encourage you all to put your trust in God, and remember the verse found in Philippians 4:6-7
    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Hope you enjoy the episode!

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    25 分
  • Ep. 5 Check Your Exits!

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    A lot of times, we can feel like there is no escape from temptation. In todays episode, I break down the verse, 1 Corinthians 10:13, in which God explains that He provides a way out from the traps the enemy tries to set. In this episode I explain how to recognize those exits and how to better equip yourself to win the battle against temptation.

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    21 分