• 1. Live with the Hope of The Glorious Life (John 17:4-8)

    The entire Gospel of John chapter 17 is devoted to and records Jesus’ praying His last prayer before being crucified. The Lord prayed in this way because He wanted something from God the Father. What was this that He wanted?


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  • 2. The Lord’s Prayer, His Last Request (John 17:1-8)

    Warm greetings to you the saints of God! As you know Easter is not too far off, and so since last week I have been preaching about ‘the passion of Jesus’. So as I continue today, I would like to continue preaching on John chapter 17.
    Jesus said in the previous chapter: “Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:32-33). This is what Jesus told His disciples before His impending death on the Cross. We need to realize here that Jesus knew that He was going to be seized and killed on the Passover Day, the greatest festival of Israel, and that He mentioned these things to His disciples beforehand in order to plant peace and faith in them.


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  • 3. Do Not Consider It A Great Thing To Persecute Jesus (John 18:12-24)

    This summer is expected to go through some extreme fluctuations in weather patterns due to the abnormal climatical changes caused by the greenhouse effect. Although the world is filled with such worrisome developments, I am sure that everything we do will go well, for God is truly with us.


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  • 4. Jesus the Savior and Our King (John 18:25-40)
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  • 5. Meditate on God’s Truth (John 18:28-40)

    We are leading very complicated lives in this world. We struggle with many issues, events, problems and the worries that arise from them to further complicate our lives. So when we worship God, we entrust our troubled minds to the Lord. It’s a tough world out there. As there are so many complicated events happening, we are constantly worried and vexed. A human being is like a tree facing the wind. As a tree sways back and forth in different directions depending on which direction the wind blows, so does everyone also swing left and right depending on his circumstances, thoughts and environments. As everyone lives in this world, everyone is influenced by its affairs.


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  • 6. Do Not Live Like Judas (John 18:1-14)

    I just returned here this morning from traveling to Inje Discipleship Training Center to take care of some business. It was nice to be in Inje as it was cool despite the recent heat wave.
    Easter is just around the corner. Although we don’t observe Christian holidays strictly as we consider it hypocritical, nominal Christians observe them rigorously and religiously. As this week is the Passion Week, the last week of Lent according to the Christian calendar, I’d like us to ruminate on John 18:1-14 and ponder on Judas Iscariot’s life.


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  • 7. Have the Faith of Resurrection (John 19:38-20:31)

    It was on Friday in today’s term that our Lord was crucified to death. Friday is the day when the Jewish people prepare for the Sabbath. The Sabbath Day is set from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, and on this day the Jews were not supposed to do anything. So if Jesus’ dead body was not taken care of right away, it would have been left alone on the Cross.


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  • 8. Recognize the Love That the Lord Has Shown Us and Believe in It (John 19:1-11)

    Today’s Scripture passage describes Jesus’ trial in the court of Pilate, and we can realize here just how much the Lord loved all of us. As described in the passage, Jesus was unjustly interrogated and tried in the court of Pilate, and through all these things we can experience the love of God in both body and spirit.


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