Welcome to the Sunday edition of the Indie Author Method, where we change things up a bit. On Sundays, when you have a little more time, when you have the space in your day to spend some time with your craft of writing, we sit down with another successful author to discuss their writing, newest work and the things they can share with you about their process.
This week, Andrew sits down with Laura Sims, the author of How Can I Help You. Tune in as Andrew and Laura discuss the new novel and her inspiration behind Margo, the deadly nurse-turned-librarian.
This episode is brought to you by our friends at Monk Manual. They are on a mission to fix modern productivity and help people live full(er) lives. Inspired by the wisdom of monks, and rooted in psychology, we design practical tools for peaceful being and purposeful doing. Check out their products, including the 90-Day Planner I personally use at https://www.monkmanual.com/andrewjbrandt
Music: Back to '95 by Michael Shynes
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