
  • Season 1, Episode 10: God Hears Us

    Have you ever felt like your prayers were bouncing off of the ceiling? It seems that all of us have faced moments like that. It can be incredibly discouraging and frustrating to keep praying under those circumstances. Yet, we keep on day after day. It’s a lie of the enemy that many of us, including myself, fall for. 

    There’s an incredible promise of God that we find throughout Scripture: God hears us! Rather than ignoring our prayers, God has actively turned His ear to us when we call out to Him. In the words of Charles Spurgeon, “Because God is the living God, he can hear. Because he is a loving God, he will hear. Because he is our covenant God, he has bound himself to hear us.” In this episode, Josh shares a powerful story of how God stops everything to hear us. If you truly listen and apply this story, it can change the way you pray. 

    This is the last episode of this season! We pray and hope that this season has been a blessing to your life and has helped you find hope in a hopeless world. We hope to hear from you as we get prepared for a new season coming soon!

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

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  • Season 1, Episode 9: Friend of the King

    Everyone of us have had friendships fade. A person comes into our lives for just a season, yet we look back on that relationship with such warmth and nostalgia. We might even give them a phone call to catch up. Sometimes it’s hard to look back on those lost friends because we believed at the time that we would be close for a long time. It feels like so much of life has that same feeling, nothing lasts forever. 

    Yet, there is a promise of God that tells a different story. Host, Josh Kave, shows that God has called us His friends. When you’re a friend of God it gives a whole different set of rights and privileges from being just servants. He has opened up a door of intimacy that was seriously uncommon in Bible times. 

    Our prayer is that this episode ministers to your life. If you’ve found yourself feeling alone or losing hope, be reminded that God has called you friend. He wants to be part of your life, even when you feel lonely.

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

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  • Season 1, Episode 8: You are Valuable

    Have you ever felt like you aren’t valuable? You end up comparing yourself to every person you see on social media. The perfect life portrayed in picture after picture and here you are, simply you. The enemy gets into your head saying how unattractive and unimportant you are. Even in this, there is hope!

    Throughout Scripture there is verse after verse talking about how much God values you. Starting all the way back in Genesis, God says that He created man in His image. Now, each of us carry that image of God in us. No matter what you do, what you say, or how you live, you carry that image of God. Moreover, God loves you because you are His. 

    That’s something to be excited about! We are loved by the God of creation. Whenever you find yourself feeling low, that you should bring you back up. Throughout today’s episode, Josh shares stories about how God sees you as valuable. You don’t want to miss it!

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afteryouthpod


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/afteryouthpod

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  • Season 1, Episode 7: Where Does My Help Come From?

    When you face trouble what do you do? Where do you turn? Frequently, we become problem solvers. We search for the best solution we can find and that works for a lot of issues. One of the worst feelings, though, is whenever you see no way out. There is a sinking feeling in your chest and your stomach drops as you’re left directionless. Yet, in those moments, there is hope. 

    There are two passages from the Bible that we talk about in today’s episode. Each carries a promise from God and can impact your life right now. You don’t want to miss Josh explain each as he shares from his personal experience on how God has worked in His life. These promises, like others we’ll talk about, help you to have hope in seemingly hopeless situations.

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afteryouthpod


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/afteryouthpod

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  • Season 1, Episode 6: Intro to God's Promises

    What does it mean to get a promise from God? Many of us have gone our whole lives without knowing for sure how to find or use a promise of God. Yet, there are over 700 of them throughout the Bible! It is certainly worth a conversation, because those promises can change your life. 

    A promise of God is as simple as it sounds. It’s a guarantee found in Scripture that God will do something. They’re valuable for our life because whenever we face problems and difficulties we can lean on those promises. We can know that God will uphold His end of the deal. Max Lucado says, “All are binding, for not only is God a promise maker; God is a promise keeper.” 

    Host, Josh Kave, shares how we can apply these promises in our lives. There are two authors that give metaphors for this application. However, both have very similar methods for how to use the Scripture. It boils down to four steps: Identify the problem, search the Scripture, circle the promises, and pray them. If you do these four steps, you can lean on those promises and trust that God is going to deliver on His end. When you trust in that, you can live in peace no matter the situation. 

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afteryouthpod


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/afteryouthpod

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  • Season 1, Episode 5: The Hope of Jesus' Victory

    Have you ever found yourself asking, “why do we call Good Friday, good?” There was a trend on social media a few months ago that asked that question. It’s true that Jesus was betrayed, whipped, and killed that day. However, Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is huge because it’s how we are able to be saved. It can also give us hope as we go through our daily lives here on earth.

    There are three really difficult concepts to grasp: 1. Death, 2. Pain and suffering, 3. The concept of eternity. Josh talks through all three of these problems throughout this episode. Even more, he shows that because of what Jesus did on the cross and through His resurrection, we can have indescribable hope even in our world. 

    You don’t want to miss this episode! If you’ve faced doubt about God working in the world or struggled with difficult questions, it is for you! There is hope even in the challenges of death, pain, and eternity. 

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

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  • Season 1, Episode 4: Control vs. Trust

    Have you ever found yourself wishing you could control the future? If you only knew what was going to happen, you could be prepared and have your family ready. Unfortunately, that’s not how the works. Instead, we watch the news, keep up with world events, and work to prepare for the unknown. We end up worrying and being concerned about the future and what COULD happen. I believe that the greatest worry we have is the unknown.

    Do you remember what it was like to be a kid and have a nightmare in the middle of the night? After that, everything looked scary. The shadows, the tree outside of the window, the light under the closet, they all look a little different. You would climb out of your bed and walk all the way to your parents bedroom because you felt comfort with them. But why did you feel comfortable with them? Because, if anything bad happened, you knew they could take care of it. Nothing bad could happen with them there, it felt like they could control it.

    In this episode, host, Josh Kave, talks about “The biggest worry and our greatest hope.” I believe our greatest worry is the unknown and not being able to control it. Our greatest hope, though, is in the sovereignty of God. Because God knows the future and is orchestrating the happenings in our world, we can be confident knowing that He has it under control. Don’t miss this discussion and allow the truth of who God is to renew your hope!

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afteryouthpod


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/afteryouthpod

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  • Season 1, Episode 3: What are You Listening to?

    What you listen to will change what you do. There are studies that show what happens when people consume negative words over and over. It will alter your patience and your ability to deal with people. Even more, when we constantly consume negative news, it can mess with our mental health! It can cause incredible stress, anxiety, and even PTSD symptoms in some people. To put it plainly, we weren’t made to live like this.

    There are always two reports that we can believe. We can choose to believe the report of this world. When negative news comes up, we can make the choice to worry and be afraid of what COULD happen. Or, we can believe the report of the Lord. The report God gives us is the promises throughout the Scripture that show us that He will take care of us.

    In this episode of The AfterYouth Podcast, this is exactly what Josh is talking about. It is so important what you listen to. Today, choose to listen to the promises and the voice of God. He will take care of you!

    For more content like this you can check out our past episodes, there is so much available to help you navigate life and live confidently for God. If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard today, please consider liking, subscribing, and giving us a 5 star review. If you want to join in the conversation and get more encouraging content, check us out on social media across all platforms!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afteryouthpod


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/afteryouthpod

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