
  • Encore: Mass Digitalization in Industrial Manufacturing: What's Next?
    The buzz: “Technology trends coupled with consumers’ increasing power to demand personalized products are changing the face of manufacturing” (Kevin O’Marah, industryweek.com, 01/14/15). “Software is Everywhere” has begun to resonate with industrial manufacturers worldwide. There’s hardly an industrial machine, piece of equipment, or plant automation system that does not contain a significant amount of software to go along with traditional hardware. How is this mass digitalization disrupting the industrial machinery sector? The experts speak. Sabrina Bartlett, Capgemini: “Simplification is not just for beginners” (Daniel Dennett). Vijay Sundararajan, SAP: “The value of education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think” (A. Einstein). David Parrish, SAP: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be” (Wayne Gretzky). Join us for Mass Digitalization in Industrial Manufacturing: What’s Next?
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  • The Future of Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 Synergy and the Workforce
    The buzz: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution is still in its nascent state. But with the swift pace of change and disruption to business and society, the time to join in is now” (Gary Coleman, Deloitte Consulting). Welcome to the future of manufacturing, where companies around the globe are adopting solutions in additive manufacturing, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, plant connectivity, automation, and robotics. But those who focus on one or two innovations at a time will eventually need all innovations to work together. How? The workforce. The experts speak. David R. Brousell, Frost & Sullivan: “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark” (Michelangelo). Mike Edelin, SAP: “The perfect racing car crosses the finish line first and subsequently falls into its component parts” (Ferdinand Porsche).Join us for The Future of Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 Synergy and the Workforce.
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  • Machine Learning: Disruptive Potential for the Chemical Industry
    The buzz: “Working alone, human researchers are incapable of processing the required amount of data… to achieve the requisite innovations fast enough – particularly given the data overload facing chemical researchers today” (Valimaki). The chemical industry is anticipating unprecedented opportunities by embracing maturing Machine Learning (ML) technology. How? ML is helping to capture, process and analyze Big Data with innovative algorithms that deliver predictive insights and a sustainable competitive advantage. Is your company still on the sidelines? The experts speak. John Santagate, IDC: “The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break” (John Madden). Ravi Joshi, EY: “Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric” (Bertrand Russell). John Harrison, SAP: “HAL 9000: ‘I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that’” (2001: A Space Odyssey). Join us for Machine Learning: Disruptive Potential for the Chemical Industry.
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  • Software Is Everywhere: Show Us the Money!
    The buzz: “Many traditional vendors still see themselves as hardware providers, first and foremost, even though the most valuable component of their offering is the embedded software driving it.” (Frost & Sullivan, 2016] The concept of “Software is Everywhere” is resonating with industrial manufacturers worldwide, as intelligent devices become ubiquitous and software is increasingly embedded in traditional hardware products. Monetizing this software as a commodity creates opportunities as well as challenges for the provider – such as ethics decisions and synchronizing life cycles.While software enables new business models and revenue streams, managing the licensing and term-of-use are crucial. Ready to take it to the bank? The experts speak. Tiest van Gool, Accenture: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” (da Vinci). Michael Klaes, SAP: “HAL 9000: ‘I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that’” (2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968). Join us for Software Is Everywhere: Show Us the Money!
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  • Mass Digitalization in Industrial Manufacturing: What's Next?
    The buzz: “Technology trends coupled with consumers’ increasing power to demand personalized products are changing the face of manufacturing” (Kevin O’Marah, industryweek.com, 01/14/15). “Software is Everywhere” has begun to resonate with industrial manufacturers worldwide. There’s hardly an industrial machine, piece of equipment, or plant automation system that does not contain a significant amount of software to go along with traditional hardware. How is this mass digitalization disrupting the industrial machinery sector? The experts speak. Sabrina Bartlett, Capgemini: “Simplification is not just for beginners” (Daniel Dennett). Vijay Sundararajan, SAP: “The value of education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think” (A. Einstein). David Parrish, SAP: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be” (Wayne Gretzky). Join us for Mass Digitalization in Industrial Manufacturing: What’s Next?
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  • Chemical Industry Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures: Transformational Growth
    The buzz: “...2017 M&A activity will be focused around innovation and digitization.” (Deloitte) Historically fragmented portfolios, pressure from activists, and near-flat global growth predictions are compelling chemical companies to find alternative ways to prosper in our dynamic, competitive global environment. The answer? Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures can accelerate transformation and pave the way to rapidly enter into new business models, emerging regions or innovative market segments. Are you ready? The experts speak. Kimberly Knickle, IDC: “The most damaging phrase in the language is ‘We’ve always done it this way!’” (Grace Hopper). David Dunn, Capgemini: “A merger is hard to pull off under any circumstances. It's harder when everybody is against you” (Carly Fiorina). Stefan Guertzgen, SAP: “Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” (Napoleon Hill). Join us for Chemical Industry Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures: Transformational Growth.
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  • The Outcome-based Economy and the Future of Manufacturing
    The buzz: “Imagine if your washing machine itself was the diagnostician monitoring machine behavior and sending alerts … ahead of failures… scheduling a service call and ordering the service parts” (Lee Smith, 2014). High-tech companies are increasingly adapting their business model to deliver outcomes, not just products, to customers. This “outcome-based economy” is enabled by digital technologies including IoT sensors, big data and analytics, and near-unlimited bandwidth. Doing business in this new environment requires your organization to control your products, collect usage data, glean outcome insights and build an extended ecosystem of business partners and customers. Are you ready? The experts speak. Dave Carlisle, HPE: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” (Leonardo da Vinci). Manfred Kopisch, SAP: “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential” (Winston Churchill, American novelist). Join us for The Outcome-based Economy and the Future of Manufacturing.
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  • Manufacturing Innovations: The Value of Breakthroughs?
    The buzz: “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road” (Stewart Brand). The Industrial Machinery and Component (IM&C) sector is seeing new opportunities – and new challenges – from a steady stream of breakthrough innovations like 3D-Printing, Machine Learning, Digital Twins, Blockchains and others. But management is demanding, “Show me the value!” The bottom line: IM&C companies need to take advantage of breakthroughs to grow revenue, lower costs, and optimize assets. But how? The experts speak. Debbie Kupitzer, Capgemini: “This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love Fig Newtons” (Talledega Nights). Steven Shepley, Deloitte: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change” (Leon C. Megginson). Sachin Bapat, SAP: “Uber yourself before you get Kodaked” (Marcus Shingles). Join us for Manufacturing Innovations: The Value of Breakthroughs?
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