
  • I Don’t Know Who Needs To Hear This, But Buckwheat Is Overrated

    For some inexplicit reason, Russians LOVE buckwheat.

    It’s a grain that can and is (but really shouldn’t) be used as a side dish for basically all meals, given to babies as porridge, and as a breakfast staple.

    I’m here to tell you that it tastes like dirt, and is the absolute inferior and weird cousin of rice, flower, potatoes and almost every other carb out there.

    God bless Masha, but even she cannot quite defend this little gem… it’s not even as appealing as Russian architecture on a sloshy autumn morning.

    Words and phrases:
    - Dirt: грязь - ‘gryaz’
    - Buckwheat : Гречневая каша - ‘Grechnevaya kasha’
    - Kvass: Квас - ‘Kvas’
    - Jelly Meat: Холодец - ‘Holodets’

    Mama Maria’s Amazing Beetroot Recipe

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  • A Russian Would Never Take A Bribe ... Right?

    Apparently, surprisingly, we had to bribe our way into and around Russia.

    In this episode we share our experiences dealing with pirates, stubborn officials, as well as the shameless use of a priest’s garb and our new-born’s cuteness to lubricate the mechanisms of bureaucracy.

    We also explore the Russian obsession with un-castrated animals and acid to the face.

    Words and phrases:
    - Corruption: Коррупция- ‘Korruptsiya’
    - Government: Дума- ‘duma’
    - Crime: криминал - ‘kriminal’
    - Dog: Собака - Sobaka

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    21 分
  • Never Invade (aka Visit) Russia During The Winter

    In this episode Zac recounts some holiday experiences with Masha and extrapolates that perhaps (despite Masha’s positive reviews) visiting Russia during the winter may not be the best idea!

    With temperatures ranging from -20 to -15 degrees Celsius, what could possibly go wrong?

    Words and phrases:
    - Cold: холод - ‘kholod’
    - Urine: моча- ‘mocha’
    - Yellow: желтый - ‘zheltyy’
    - Snow: снег- sneg

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    35 分
  • Giving Birth In The Motherland

    All birth experiences are equal but some birth experiences are more equal than others …

    Today we delve into what it was like to give birth in Soviet Russia… think collective birthing, screaming mothers restrained at the wrists, and one doctor for 30 mothers in the throws of labour.

    Yay communism!

    Words and phrases:
    - Birth Home: Род Дом - ‘rod dom’
    - Hospital: Больница - ‘Bol'nitsa’
    - Moscow Oblast: Моско́вская о́бласть - ‘Moskovskaya Oblast’
    - Comrade: Товарищ - Tovarishch

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    23 分
  • Why Russian Dogs Don't Say 'Woof'

    You would think that animals say the same thing around the world, but apparently not in Russia!

    Today we explore the sounds of animals in The Mother Land and embrace the government mandated restriction of hot water for two weeks every summer.

    Words and phrases:
    - Woof woof: гав гав - ‘gav gav’
    - Cheep cheep: крр крр - ‘krr krr’
    - Oink oink: хрю хрю - ‘heu heu’

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    21 分
  • ‘Let Them Run Clumsily’ aka The Russian Birthday Song

    The Russian birthday song is something to be admired. Born from the soviet era cartoon crocodile ‘Gena’ this song ‘Let Them Run Clumsily’ is now the traditionally Russian birthday celebration.

    The lyrics talk of a day of joy whilst all others around them dodge the puddles and rain…

    “Let pedestrians toddle
    And the rainwater gurgle
    As it streams underneath their feet
    Let pedestrians wonder
    Why this day full of thunder
    Makes me look so jolly upbeat….”

    Words and phrases:
    - Birthday: День рождения- ‘Den' rozhdeniya’
    - It’s a shame: к сожалению - ‘k sozhaleniyu’

    Crocodile Gena's Birthday Song

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    14 分
  • Developing A Sense Of Community, One Midnight Beer At A Time

    Grab a bottle of vodka and take a seat in your local children’s playground while we regale you with our stories of Russian style drinking and the drinking styles we saw in Russia.
    на-здоровье! (cheers!)

    Words and phrases:
    - Water: вода - ‘voda’
    - Vodka: Водка - ‘Vodka’
    - Cheers: на-здоровье! - ‘Nasdarovier’
    - Kvass: квас - ‘kvas’
    - Ice cream: Мороженое - ‘Morozhenoye’
    - To drink: Пить - ‘Pit’
    - Beer: пиво - ‘pivo’
    - Wine: Вино - ‘Vino’
    - Snack: Закуска - ‘Zakuska’

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    41 分
  • 'The Place Of Thinking' - Backwards Thinking Our Way Through The Language

    Join us for a journey through the maze that is the Russian language, as Marsha struggles to enlighten Zac as to object genders, plurals and other confusing nonsense.

    Words and phrases:
    - Parliament: дума - ‘Duma’
    - Monday: понедельник - ‘ponedel'nik’
    - Tuesday: вторник - ‘vtornik’
    - Wednesday: Среда - ‘Sreda’
    - Thursday: Четверг - ‘Chetverg’
    - Friday: Пятница - ‘Pyatnitsa’
    - Saturday: суббота - ‘subbota’
    - Sunday: Воскресенье - ‘Voskresen'ye’
    - Car: Машина - ‘Mashina’
    - My Car: Моя машина - ‘Moya mashina’
    - My Chair: Мой стул - ‘Moy stul’
    - ы - ‘Oui’
    - Ball: Мяч - ‘Myach’
    - Play: Играть - ‘Igrat’
    - Computer: Компьютер - ‘Komp'yuter’
    - Train: Поезд - ‘Poyezd'
    - Hat: Шляпа - ‘Shlyapa’

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