Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we explore tips and best practices for nonprofit startups. Our guest, Rebecca Rodriguez, Principal Consultant at For the Philanthropist and author of The Nonprofit Workbook: Tips & Best Practices for Start-ups Serving the Greater Common Good, shares her expertise and offers practical advice for anyone looking to start a nonprofit organization. The episode is hosted by Betina Meyer PFLUG, an entrepreneur, business and life coach, mother, and marketing specialist with over 25 years of experience.
In this episode, Betina and Rebecca cover a range of topics, including common challenges that nonprofit startups face, building a strong mission statement, balancing financial sustainability with social impact goals, leveraging technology and digital channels for fundraising and marketing, ethical considerations in fundraising, building a strong board of directors, and much more.
Rebecca also gives insights on innovative approaches that nonprofit startups can take to address social challenges and how to ensure that a nonprofit startup's work is sustainable in the long run. She also shares her own experiences and lessons learned in the social sector.
If you're working in the social sector or interested in starting a nonprofit organization, this episode is a must-listen. You can find it on our website or your favorite podcast platform. We encourage you to share it with your network to help support and elevate the work of nonprofit startups. Join us as we delve into Rebecca's expertise and discuss her latest book, which offers practical advice for anyone looking to start a nonprofit organization.
How to contact Betina Pflug? Send us an email at podcast@wity.tech
Visit the website https://wity.tech/nonprofits/ and schedule a quick call if you are interested in having a mentor.
How to contact Rebecca Rodriguez? Send her an email at info@thenonprofitworkbook.com
Instagram - @r.v_rodriguez
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085298762582
Special Offer:
If you buy the book (only available on Amazon) through this link and write a review and post a photo of them holding the book on IG along with a tip of a takeaway and tag Rebecca Rodriguez (@r.v_rodriguez), she will offer a 30-minute consult. This offer is valid through the end of December 31, 2023.