
  • How To Transition From Teaching To Leading Your Own Music Studio

    Today I am joined by Julia Marble from Marble Music Studios in Nebraska. She began teaching Suzuki violin at age 12 and is now the owner of her own studio. I was lucky enough to coach her through this process and we are going to share her journey with you today. We discuss how she knew it was time to make the transition, what to expect and what she wishes she did differently. 

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @rebeccalanecoach
    Facebook: Rebecca Lane Coach
    Website: rebeccalanecoaching.com 

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    27 分
  • The Key Numbers You Need To Track In Your Music Studio

    There are a lot of numbers involved in business.  And, in the music studio business those numbers involve students and money. For a lot of musicians, this is a scary thought. But we can conquer that fear! I’m here to tell you what numbers you need to be looking at regularly, plus what they mean and what to do with them to keep your business healthy. 

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @rebeccalanecoach
    Facebook: Rebecca Lane Coach
    Website: rebeccalanecoaching.com 

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    19 分
  • Tech Stack: Director’s Edition

    Are you a music studio owner? Do you have multiple teachers working for you? Then this episode is for you! Today I’m sharing 3 pieces of tech (plus a bonus) that I use to keep my studio of almost 50 teachers running smoothly. These programs will help you level up your business and keep it running smoothly. Implementing this tech has been a crucial piece to keeping my business organized and professional; by helping my staff and I work efficiently while allowing a proper work-life-balance.

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @rebeccalanecoach
    Facebook: Rebecca Lane Coach
    Website: rebeccalanecoaching.com 

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    28 分
  • What Your Procrastination Is Telling You

    Every single person on planet Earth struggles with procrastination, myself included. But over the years I’ve noticed that my procrastination is usually giving me some really important data about myself. Looking back on tasks we procrastinated on can provide us with nuggets of information that help us move forward when we aren’t moving forward. Let’s talk about tasks I avoided and how they eventually helped me move forward and grow.

    Connect with me: 
    Instagram: @rebeccalanecoach
    Facebook: Rebecca Lane Coach
    Website: rebeccalanecoaching.com 

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    21 分
  • Music Is Our National Sport

    Today we are starting a revolution! #itshappening We are making music our national sport. I want everyone to consider music part of our Canadian national identity and I hope you do too. Music education and classical music is seen as a dying industry. But there is plenty of evidence to show that music is still extremely important to our society and it’s time we start saying it out loud. Here’s my mission. I hope you join me!

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    27 分
  • Making Music Part Of Our National Identity

    It seems our Canadian identity centres around hockey. From watching Hockey Night in Canada every week to teaching our kids to skate as soon as they can walk, many aspects of our lives revolve around Canada’s national winter sport. What would the world look like if music lessons were in as high demand as playing hockey in Canada? What if people lined up to register for music lessons, or were willing to pay incredibly high prices for symphony tickets (even if the symphony didn't play that well)? What kind of future would we be building?  What could be we doing now to start?

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    22 分
  • My Morning Routine

    Two questions I am frequently asked are: 1. How do you get everything on your to-do list done? 2. How do you balance motherhood, marriage and a successful career?  For me, it all starts with what I do in the morning to set me up for a productive day. In this episode, I walk you through the nitty-gritty of my typical morning routine and how that has allowed me to be both a mother and businesswoman.

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    19 分
  • Making Music Lessons Accessible

    One of the biggest barriers to making a living as a private music teacher is the financially accessible piece. We don't want to price ourselves so high that students can't afford our lessons, but we also need to make a living. I believe that we can and deserve to do both for us and our students. Many musicians got to where they are today, including myself, through the generosity of teachers who believed in them. Here is how you can pass on the kindness of accessible music lessons without sacrificing your bank balance.

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