All good things must come to an end…or at least take a wee break. Here we are at the conclusion of Season 1! Can you believe it, dear listener? It has been an amazing ride, and we have enjoyed every minute of it with you: our Middle Vibes family. In fact, that’s how this season closes: with a conversation about Covens and their immense importance as it relates to providing a safe, loving environment.
- M. does what she always does best and gets us started with a history of covens and how she thinks that came to be seen as “evil” to some. There are some fascinating parallels/references between covens and religion that are worth a listen and a rewind! [1:30]
- Covens have evolved over time and adapted to tools such as the internet/social media. The modern Coven looks very different from its traditional predecessor, and yet it still remains a powerful resource. [30:28]
- In fact, the idea of Covens transcends witchcraft. B. & M. take us through the history of Pride Month and explain how creating a safe space is vital to community. [37:58]
Edited by Vaughn Postema / Arvaughnna Audio
Recorded at What Cheer Writers Club