step one: focus on 3 things you can see
step two: focus on 3 things you can hear
step three: focus on 3 things you can touch or move
this week I am back with my pal Ken & we are talking all things anxiety. we're putting a spin on the conversation by asking each other 5 "blind" questions-- from our first experiences with anxiety, to what those terrifying moments look like for each of us, to how they've shaped & unshaped us into the human beans we are today, Kendall & I are getting vulnerable about our lowest moments & how we've survived them.
sometimes survival is a matter of holding really tightly onto the tiny, tangible things we can control in the present. when you feel like you're floating, the walls are closing in on you, & life's infinite questions are swallowing you whole, take the biggest breath you can muster, & remember the 333 rule.