Abraham Lincoln: Life Lessons
Challenges, Solutions and Lessons from the Life of a Great Man
Mike Norgaard
Michael Winicott
Discover the life lessons from Abraham Lincoln that can transform your life!
Abraham Lincoln is one of the most fascinating figures of our history, for a wide variety of reasons.
He represents the summation of those leadership and personal qualities that had helped to mold a nation. Lincoln stood for all that was right, honest, and self-evident. As a boy, his heroes were the Founding Fathers, and he studied the history of that young nation that was so devoted to human rights.
He grew up in poverty and had a binding link to the common people. He was innovative at a time when the age of discoveries and inventions was just beginning. He was compassionate and caring yet, when necessary, could put his foot down firmly and be decisive beyond question.
He was patient, persistent, consistent, and persuasive rather than dictatorial. But, without a doubt, the foundation of Abraham Lincoln's leadership style was an unshakable commitment to the rights of the individual.
This short book aims at helping those interested in the subject to appreciate a few of the many lessons that Lincoln's life has to offer. It begins with a brief overview of the great man's life story, ranging from the often challenging, circumstances of his birth and early life to the height of his power and his sudden death.
It then moves onto 10 especially significant lessons from that famous life, each springing from the circumstances of a particular stage of his development and his responses to them. While each of these distinct episodes has a particular point to teach to students of leadership, they also help to reveal and illuminate more fundamental principles that are just as valuable.