Little ditty about 4-D...
- What is 4D?
- What are higher dimensions and how many could there be?
- Hypercube tesseract
- Sphere packing (kissing number)
- Geometric spatial dimensions (string theory) vs temporal Minkowski spacetime (time as the 4th dimension)
- Fractal dimensions (Coastline Paradox)
- Knots in 2D/3D/4D
- Brane worlds (aka brane cosmology/membrane theory) and gravity leakage (wormholes and black holes)
- Life in higher dimensions
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
- A Mathematician’s Guided Tour Through High Dimensions (Quanta Magazine, 2021.09.13)
- Four-dimensional space (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
- Four-dimensionalism (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
- Fractal (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
- Fractal dimension (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
- Higher Dimensions in physics and mathematics (UT Austin)
- Large extra dimensions (Wikipedia, 20224.11.21)
- Minkowski space (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
- Spacetime (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
- The Fractal Geometry of Invention (Durham, 2012.04.18)
- The things you'll find in higher dimensions (YouTube, Zach Star, 2019.06.07)
- Toward a Visualization of the Fourth Dimension (Michielli, 2022.09.25)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# physics mathematics geometry science astrology astrophysics