Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Journey to Rediscover Tradition: A Winter in Shanghai Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-01-14-23-34-01-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 上海的冬天到了,寒风呼啸,街道上是清晨的寂静。En: Winter has arrived in Shanghai, with the cold wind howling and an early morning tranquility filling the streets.Zh: 每天早上,梅会看着窗外的现代化景象,想到她童年的乡村时光。En: Every morning, Mei looks out at the modern scene outside her window and thinks of her countryside childhood memories.Zh: 她决定带孩子们去乡下过年,回到自己记忆里的地方。En: She decides to take the children to the countryside for the New Year, returning to the places in her memories.Zh: 一家人早上从上海的郊区出发,目标是遥远的村庄。En: The family sets out from the suburbs of Shanghai in the morning, with their destination being a distant village.Zh: 车上,梅热心地讲起她小时候过年的快乐。En: In the car, Mei enthusiastically talks about the joys of celebrating New Year when she was little.Zh: 她希望儿子伟和女儿琳能感受到真正的新年味。En: She hopes her son Wei and daughter Lin can experience the true essence of the New Year.Zh: “妈妈,我们一定要去吗?”伟有点不情愿地问。En: "Mom, do we really have to go?" Wei asked reluctantly.Zh: 他的朋友们都在城市,他不想错过城市的派对。En: His friends were all in the city, and he didn’t want to miss out on the city parties.Zh: “是啊,妈妈!我等不及了,想看你说的那些灯笼!”琳兴奋地说。En: "Yes, Mom! I can't wait to see those lanterns you talked about!" Lin said excitedly.Zh: 她想得到妈妈的赞赏。En: She wanted her mother's praise.Zh: 车子在途中行驶,然而,突然天上飘起了大雪。En: As the car drives along, suddenly heavy snow begins to fall.Zh: 道路被白雪覆盖,车辆不得不停下来。En: The road is covered with white snow, and vehicles have to stop.Zh: 梅没有想到会遇到这样的困境,家人都停在车里,看着窗外白茫茫一片。En: Mei did not expect to encounter such a predicament, and the family stops in the car, looking at the snowy landscape outside.Zh: “好吧,看起来我们得自己找些事情做了,”梅微笑着说。En: "Alright, it looks like we’ll have to find some things to do ourselves," Mei said with a smile.Zh: 她提议一家人围坐在一起,讲故事打发时间。En: She suggested the family sit together and tell stories to pass the time.Zh: “我们可以玩个游戏?”琳眼睛闪着光。En: "Can we play a game?" Lin asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.Zh: 伟却把目光投向窗外,心思不在这里。En: However, Wei was looking out the window, his mind elsewhere.Zh: 梅拍拍他的肩,轻声鼓励他参与。En: Mei patted his shoulder, gently encouraging him to participate.Zh: 慢慢的,伟被梅的坚持打动,开始参与他们的故事游戏。En: Slowly, Wei was moved by his mother's persistence and began to join in their story game.Zh: 随着时间推移,雪停了,小路也慢慢清理干净。En: As time passed, the snow stopped, and the path gradually cleared.Zh: 他们终于抵达了村庄。En: They finally reached the village.Zh: 乡村的夜晚虽然冷,但是特别安静。En: Although the countryside night was cold, it was especially quiet.Zh: 大红灯笼在雪中闪烁,显得格外温暖。En: The big red lanterns glowed warmly in the snow.Zh: 突然,村子里停电了,大家围坐在蜡烛旁。En: Suddenly, the village experienced a blackout, and everyone gathered around the candles.Zh: 梅开口说:“那时,我们也是这样过年的,讲故事看灯笼,好热闹。”En: Mei said, "During those times, we also celebrated like this, telling stories and watching lanterns. It was very lively."Zh: 伟犹豫了片刻,竟然主动分享起他的小故事。En: Wei hesitated for a moment but then actively shared his little story.Zh: 虽然简单,但大家都仔细聆听,心慢慢地靠在一起。En: Even though it was simple, everyone listened carefully, their hearts gradually coming together.Zh: 第二天,电力恢复了,村庄重新焕发生机。En: The next day, the power was restored, and the village was revitalized.Zh: 梅心满意足,她知道这次旅行的意义,孩子们也因这次经历更加理解自己的根和文化。En: Mei was content, knowing the significance of this trip, and the children gained a deeper understanding of their roots and culture from the experience.Zh: 最后,他们重新上路回上海,途中每个人都带着微笑和温暖的回忆。En: Finally, they set off back to Shanghai, with everyone carrying smiles and warm memories.Zh: 伟也开始理解和尊重家里的传统,而琳愈加自信于她的文化身份...