AAAAAAAND LACIE! We’re welcoming our first guest! Emmy award-winning journalist and News 9 morning anchor Lacie Lowry joins us, and fun fact—it’s only the second time Rachael has met her in person, despite talking to her five times a week on the air. Lacie sets the record straight—she’s not stuck up or an elitist, and if you thought she always dreamed of being a news anchor, think again—she actually started in sports!
She shares her best on-air bloopers, including the infamous “Walmart farts” and possibly the greatest news slip-up of all time: “porn pirates.” We also find out if she’d rather spend her life hunting or fishing, what she’d do for a career if journalism wasn’t an option (spoiler: way too much school is involved), and how she treats herself (grocery pickup is a lifesaver when you have two teenage boys at home).
Lacie also gets real about her current goals and we chat about the personal beliefs that matter most to us. And when it comes to embarrassment? Turns out, we’re pretty hard to shame, but Lacie gets secondhand embarrassment on behalf of other people. Meanwhile, Rachael may or may not be lying to you at any given moment (don’t worry, you’ll know), and Jeff? Well… he cut the cheese in front of a listener and asked Rachael a way-too-personal question.