Bar Exam BE§T MODE™️
Maximize Your Mindset to Beat the Bar Bar Prep Without Burnout for First-Time and Repeat Takers
Rachel Davies
Ready to beat the bar?
The Bar Exam BE§T MODE™ method takes a broad approach to preparing for the bar exam in any jurisdiction. It is a strategy meant to complement and supplement your commercial bar prep course.
The approach includes improving mental focus, emotional well-being, clarity of purpose, and physical health. All these attributes come together to impact the overall performance of the brain when taking the test.
If you are ready to get started on the path to bar exam success, let’s go!
Joseline will help you find…
- Confidence to take the bar exam, and pass!
- Strategies to keep you focused during bar prep!
- Energy to keep going, even when you’re tired!
- Vision to motivate you to get that bar card!
Get the Bar Exam BE§T MODE™ Companion Journal to Beat the Bar - The Daily Planner, Calendar, and Gratitude Journal for the Bar Exam to help you stay organized.
From Founder and President of Diversity Access Pipeline, Inc., the nonprofit behind the award-winning Journey to Esquire® Scholarship & Leadership Program, The Blog, and The Podcast.
Visit journeytoesquire.com for more information.
©2021, 2022, 2023 Joseline J. Hardrick (P)2024 Joseline J. Hardrick