Mindful Guide for Beginners: Easy Guide to Chakras
Stephen Dalton
Jason Sanders
The mysterious nature of chakras and auras may seem too mystical for you, but don’t let that scare you from trying out a rewarding, simple practice. Understanding and maintaining chakras is easier than you think. We take you through the most asked and need-to-know questions: What is a chakra? Where does the idea come from? How can I use them to better my life? Without going into extraneous detail, we’ll demystify chakras with easy-to-understand language and practical I-can-do-that-today advice on getting started with your own daily and routine practices.
What about herbs and crystals? Are they safe to use, and how do you use them with chakras? With concise guides to using herbs, crystals, and other methods to maintain your chakras, you’ll find the easiest, most accessible ways to boost your chakras and wellbeing without carving large chunks of time out of your day.
We’ll ease you into gentle and simple-to-follow meditations that fit your daily routines, or even a weekly to monthly one for those long Sunday afternoons.
Get to know how to help yourself better, and better yourself in the process. You’ll find ways to aid in health recovery, regain vitality and magnetism, and explore possibilities in being your best self.
From the curious to the empath in need of energetic tools, and the I-want-to-give-this-a-try-again seekers, this guide has something for you.