Classic Gold
George Carlin
1. Shoot
2. The Hair Piece
3. Sex in Commercials
4. Drugs
5. Birth Control
6. Son of Wino
7. Divorce Game
8. Ed Sullivan Self Taught
9. Let's Make a Deal
10. The 11 O'Clock News
11. Class Clown
12. Wasting Time: Sharing a Swallow
13. Values (How Much Is That Dog Crap in the Window?) / Shoot Is Shit With T
14. I Used to Be Irish Catholic
15. The Confessional
16. Special Dispensation: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and Limbo
17. Heavy Mysteries
18. Muhammad Ali - America the Beautiful
19. Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television
20. Welcome to My Job
21. Occupation: Foole
22. White Harlem
23. The Hallway Groups
24. Black Consciousness
25. New York Voices
26. Grass Swept the Neighborhood
27. Childhood Cliches
28. Cute Little Farts
29. Raisin Rhetoric
30. Filthy Words
This audio collection combines three live comedy sets from the late legendary George Carlin, one of the most influential and well-known comedians of the past few decades. Carlin is a live-wire performer, his demeanor oscillating wildly from calm and matter-of-fact to incensed and bombastic over the course of these electrifying stand-up sets as he levels his razor-sharp wit and on-the-nose insights at a wide variety of social norms and mores. In his lifetime, Carlin was an unabashedly confrontational comedian, unafraid to go where angels fear to tread, wading into contentious debates about abortion, racism, politics, and the like with no hesitations or regrets, and his monologues are fierce, inflammatory, and well worth a listen.