DNA - A Study Guide for GCSE English Literature
Penny Andrews
Andrew Cresswell
This DNA study guide, written by Mark Richards, a chief examiner for one of the leading UK exam boards, provides all the insights and analysis of this dramatic play of a group of students who do something very bad indeed. As well as providing individual tutorials on the context, the language and style, the setting, the structure and the themes, it goes through each part of the play, highlighting all you need to know. Furthermore, there are tutorials on how best to answer exam questions and a tutorial highlighting some of the key quotations.
The tutorials have been designed to help throughout the course and to prepare you for your examinations. They will not only provide great insight into DNA for students but will also provide an excellent source of information for teachers to use both inside and outside the classroom and anyone who would like to understand more about this great play. DNA is a GCSE English Literature set text for OCR and AQA.
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