Diet Recovery
Restoring Hormonal Health, Metabolism, Mood, and Your Relationship with Food
Matt Stone
Matt Stone
Have you noticed since starting all this "healthy" eating, dieting, perfect Paleo diets, wholesome Vegan escapades, and all that glorious exercise that you did in the name of better health and a better appearance…That you look and feel worse?
Eating pretty much any overly restricted diet will do these things to you. Throw some "healthy" exercise in there with it and you've got a recipe for shutting down your entire system. It's all caused by a drop in metabolic rate. Diet Recovery is your guide to bringing your metabolism back up to its ideal level.
When you've had enough and you are ready to stop dieting forever, get your health back on track, stop obsessing over your body fat percentage, be happy, and join the rest of society by eating somewhat normal again, there's no better book in print for you to turn to.
No more debilitating New Year's resolutions to run a daily marathon on cabbage soup this year- quit beating yourself up, and stop the dieting madness! Eat the food!
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