Divorce Smart
How to Thrive and Come Out Whole
Adam Weiss
Adam Weiss
Divorce Smart: How to Thrive and Come Out Whole gives the listener leverage to incentivize the other person to settle. This might be information, money, or anything that you know will cause the other side to want to resolve the case, and more importantly, in a way that you want it to settle.
Divorce Smart will provide listeners with a step-by-step guide to what is essential to help their case and save themselves time and money along the way. Trust me: “penny wise and pound foolish” can add up to tens of thousands of dollars when dealing with an irrational or vindictive spouse.
Listeners will be better equipped to handle the divorce process after listening about their legal rights and options. Finding a middle ground that the listener can accept depends on understanding what the opposing side could contend about these concerns. This will assist the listener to select their best and worst-case scenarios. Essentially, the outcome of the divorce will depend on which spouse’s stories the judge buys into the most. Your goal is to ensure the judge believes that you have suffered unfairly. In its most basic form, this strategy aims to win the heart of the court.