Dungeons & Dillholes
A Glitchworld Original
Nolan Locke
Jowi Ghersi
For Addison Killborne, going from Dick to Punani was rough, but going to Dungeonworld and fighting for her life was worse....
Welcome to Prestige Gaming. Nanotech gaming, on site, in the New Mexican desert. Be anything you have ever wanted to be. Mix and match genres, skills, Disintegration Induction Chain Katanas...the only limit is your imagination! And your level - you don't get everything handed to you right out the gate noob.
But within the great expanse of the miraculous park lies the dull and dark truth. Prisoners serve out short life sentences within these same beautiful grounds, grinded, chopped and imploded for the cheers of distant holovision viewers, or the golden ticket wielders of the on-site invisi-stands. Company rivals spy and scheme. Saboteurs plot. Addison Killborne burns her competition. And Van Burgundy tries to makes sense of himself, his secret, way too many dirty acronyms and his new programming job inside the BALLSAC.
When everything begins to collapse around them, Addie and Van find themselves trapped in a game. Can they survive the on-site nanocalypse and gain freedom from heaven turned hell? Or will they find themselves Dicked, Ramrodded and even possibly Gruesome Garied all over the gritty hardpan of the New Mexican sand?
©2020 Nolan Locke, Damien Hanson (P)2021 Nolan Locke, Damien Hanson