Extraordinary Leadership
Robin Sharma
How to Craft a World Class Life
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: uncredited
- 再生時間: 56 分
- オリジナル版
Get the proven advice that Robin gives his one-on-one coaching clients at a fraction of the cost. Listening to How to Craft a World Class Life is just like being in a one-on-one session with Robin Sharma. Invest in yourself and get the coaching that will take your career, finances, health, and relationships to the next level.
著者: Robin Sharma
The 6 Habits of Growth
- 著者: Brendon Burchard
- ナレーター: Brendon Burchard
- 再生時間: 5 時間 4 分
- オリジナル版
The world’s leading high-performance coach and multiple New York Times best-selling author Brendon Burchard delivers the six habits of personal growth that will help you create the life of your dreams. Forged from Brendon Burchard’s personal experiences, data from his GrowthDay app, and his many years as a high-performance coach, The 6 Habits of Growth presents the tools you need to construct the life of your dreams.
著者: Brendon Burchard
桐原書店 きくeigo データベース英会話 2~日常生活の英会話2000
- 著者: 桐原書店編
- ナレーター: Eric Kelso, Claire Claire O'Connor
- 再生時間: 1 時間 50 分
- 完全版
データベースシリーズではすぐに使える英語表現を頻度の高いものからピックアップしました。こちらのオーディオブックでは、基本~応用2000例の英文をピックアップ。「家庭と生活」、「日常生活」、「趣味と娯楽」、「会社と仕事」、「自然と社会」、「意見や気持ちの表現」・・・あらゆるジャンルからすぐに使える表現を網羅しました。英語のシャワーで英語耳をつくりましょう!クリアな発音だから、すきま時間を使った聞き流し学習に、シャドウィングやロールプレイの教材にもうってつけ。***本格派の語学学習はまず基礎の確認から!新しい語学学習法としてオーディオブックを活用してみませんか。 紙面でのスクリプトをご希望の方は、桐原書店サポート課 (ict@kirihara.co.jp) までお問い合わせください。 (C)桐原書店
著者: 桐原書店編
Who Will Cry When You Die?
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: Adam Verner
- 再生時間: 3 時間 42 分
- 完全版
In this easy-to-listen-to yet wisdom-rich manual, Robin S. Sharma offers 101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems, ranging from a little-known method for beating stress and worry to a powerful way to enjoy the journey while you create a legacy that lasts.
著者: Robin Sharma
The Greatness Guide
- 101 Lessons for Making What’s Good at Work and in Life Even Better
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: Adam Verner
- 再生時間: 4 時間 17 分
- 完全版
Each one of us is called to greatness. We can have a significant impact on the world around us - if we so choose. If you are looking to craft an extraordinary life, The Greatness Guide is the powerful and practical handbook that will inspire you. Passionate, provocative, and full of big ideas that will challenge and transform, The Greatness Guide is one of those rare books that will release your potential and awaken your best self. Make the leap today and learn what the best do to become even better.
著者: Robin Sharma
心を育てる せかいむかしばなし 1
- 著者: でじじ
- ナレーター: 佐々木 健
- 再生時間: 1 時間 12 分
- 完全版
世界中の昔話の中から、名作10話を、お子様にも分かりやすい様、再編集してお届けいたします。いっしょに聴いて、いっしょに読んで。お子様の豊かな心を育てる、昔話集です。【収録内容】・大きなカブ― おじいさんが、大きな大きなカブを作りました。しかし、あまりに大きすぎて、おじいさん一人では抜けません。おばあさんも呼んで引っ張りますが、全く抜けそうにありません。。・おばあさんと山のヤギ― おじいさんと大ゲンカをしたおばあさんは、家を飛び出してしまいました。気づけば日も暮れてしまい、困ってしまったおばあさんは、近くに見えた山の小屋を訪れます。その小屋には、不思議なヤギたちが住んでいたのでした。・ネコがごはんのあとで顔をあらうわけ― ネコはご飯の後に顔を洗う真似をします。なぜ顔を洗うようになったのか、それにはこんな訳があったのでした。・王さまの耳はロバの耳― ある国に、絶対に帽子を取らない王様がいました。この国では、床屋さんが王さまのお城に呼ばれると帰ってこないことで有名でして、最後の床屋さんの男はいつ自分もお城に呼ばれるかとビクビクしていました。・キツネとえもの― ある日、魚がたくさん釣れた釣り人が上機嫌で歩いていると、道のむこうにキツネがたおれていました。釣り人はキツネがすでに死んでいると思いこみ、魚をいれたびくの上にキツネをのせて、家に帰ったのでした。・ウィリアム・テル―...
著者: でじじ
How to Craft a World Class Life
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: uncredited
- 再生時間: 56 分
- オリジナル版
Get the proven advice that Robin gives his one-on-one coaching clients at a fraction of the cost. Listening to How to Craft a World Class Life is just like being in a one-on-one session with Robin Sharma. Invest in yourself and get the coaching that will take your career, finances, health, and relationships to the next level.
著者: Robin Sharma
The 6 Habits of Growth
- 著者: Brendon Burchard
- ナレーター: Brendon Burchard
- 再生時間: 5 時間 4 分
- オリジナル版
The world’s leading high-performance coach and multiple New York Times best-selling author Brendon Burchard delivers the six habits of personal growth that will help you create the life of your dreams. Forged from Brendon Burchard’s personal experiences, data from his GrowthDay app, and his many years as a high-performance coach, The 6 Habits of Growth presents the tools you need to construct the life of your dreams.
著者: Brendon Burchard
桐原書店 きくeigo データベース英会話 2~日常生活の英会話2000
- 著者: 桐原書店編
- ナレーター: Eric Kelso, Claire Claire O'Connor
- 再生時間: 1 時間 50 分
- 完全版
データベースシリーズではすぐに使える英語表現を頻度の高いものからピックアップしました。こちらのオーディオブックでは、基本~応用2000例の英文をピックアップ。「家庭と生活」、「日常生活」、「趣味と娯楽」、「会社と仕事」、「自然と社会」、「意見や気持ちの表現」・・・あらゆるジャンルからすぐに使える表現を網羅しました。英語のシャワーで英語耳をつくりましょう!クリアな発音だから、すきま時間を使った聞き流し学習に、シャドウィングやロールプレイの教材にもうってつけ。***本格派の語学学習はまず基礎の確認から!新しい語学学習法としてオーディオブックを活用してみませんか。 紙面でのスクリプトをご希望の方は、桐原書店サポート課 (ict@kirihara.co.jp) までお問い合わせください。 (C)桐原書店
著者: 桐原書店編
Who Will Cry When You Die?
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: Adam Verner
- 再生時間: 3 時間 42 分
- 完全版
In this easy-to-listen-to yet wisdom-rich manual, Robin S. Sharma offers 101 simple solutions to life's most complex problems, ranging from a little-known method for beating stress and worry to a powerful way to enjoy the journey while you create a legacy that lasts.
著者: Robin Sharma
The Greatness Guide
- 101 Lessons for Making What’s Good at Work and in Life Even Better
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: Adam Verner
- 再生時間: 4 時間 17 分
- 完全版
Each one of us is called to greatness. We can have a significant impact on the world around us - if we so choose. If you are looking to craft an extraordinary life, The Greatness Guide is the powerful and practical handbook that will inspire you. Passionate, provocative, and full of big ideas that will challenge and transform, The Greatness Guide is one of those rare books that will release your potential and awaken your best self. Make the leap today and learn what the best do to become even better.
著者: Robin Sharma
心を育てる せかいむかしばなし 1
- 著者: でじじ
- ナレーター: 佐々木 健
- 再生時間: 1 時間 12 分
- 完全版
世界中の昔話の中から、名作10話を、お子様にも分かりやすい様、再編集してお届けいたします。いっしょに聴いて、いっしょに読んで。お子様の豊かな心を育てる、昔話集です。【収録内容】・大きなカブ― おじいさんが、大きな大きなカブを作りました。しかし、あまりに大きすぎて、おじいさん一人では抜けません。おばあさんも呼んで引っ張りますが、全く抜けそうにありません。。・おばあさんと山のヤギ― おじいさんと大ゲンカをしたおばあさんは、家を飛び出してしまいました。気づけば日も暮れてしまい、困ってしまったおばあさんは、近くに見えた山の小屋を訪れます。その小屋には、不思議なヤギたちが住んでいたのでした。・ネコがごはんのあとで顔をあらうわけ― ネコはご飯の後に顔を洗う真似をします。なぜ顔を洗うようになったのか、それにはこんな訳があったのでした。・王さまの耳はロバの耳― ある国に、絶対に帽子を取らない王様がいました。この国では、床屋さんが王さまのお城に呼ばれると帰ってこないことで有名でして、最後の床屋さんの男はいつ自分もお城に呼ばれるかとビクビクしていました。・キツネとえもの― ある日、魚がたくさん釣れた釣り人が上機嫌で歩いていると、道のむこうにキツネがたおれていました。釣り人はキツネがすでに死んでいると思いこみ、魚をいれたびくの上にキツネをのせて、家に帰ったのでした。・ウィリアム・テル―...
著者: でじじ
心を育てる せかいむかしばなし 5 グリム童話 ―星の銀貨他8話
- 著者: でじじ
- ナレーター: 佐々木健
- 再生時間: 1 時間 4 分
- 完全版
有名なお話はもちろんのこと、初めて出会うようなお話も多数収録。 大人も思わずドキドキ、ホロリとしてしまうお話がいっぱいです。各地で語り継がれてきた世界中のむかしばなしを、 小さなお子様でも理解しやすい表現にして収録しました。朗読のプロが、まるで隣で読み聞かせしてくれているような朗読を、 お子様やお孫さんとご一緒に聴いてみませんか。【収録内容】おいしいおかゆ/こびととくつやさん/はりねずみのハンス/ミソサザイとクマ/六人の男たち、せかいをまたにかける/大きないえと小さないいえ/星の銀貨/白バラと赤バラ/金のガチョウ
著者: でじじ
お話、きかせて!聴く絵本 おうたとおはなし ベスト100
- 著者: でじじ
- ナレーター: でじじ
- 再生時間: 10 時間 16 分
- 完全版
- 投稿者: 🍊ゆず🍊 日付: 2021/07/10
著者: でじじ
Time Management
- Discover Powerful Strategies to Increase Productivity, Master Your Habits, Amplify Focus, Beat Procrastination, and Eliminate Laziness for Achieving Your Goals!
- 著者: Steve Martin
- ナレーター: Steve Martin
- 再生時間: 1 時間 6 分
- 完全版
The method you are about to learn can work extremely quickly to eradicate old procrastination habits and effortlessly boost your productivity and success in as little as one week! Do you find yourself unable to resist any temptations that waste your time? Do you want to strengthen your willpower and build solid habits that boost productivity? You're in luck, because Time Management by Steve Martin is just the audiobook you need! It's never too late. Get this audiobook now and start ingraining solid habits and strategies that will help you achieve your goals faster!
- 投稿者: Amazon カスタマー 日付: 2024/12/23
著者: Steve Martin
Finding Flow
- The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life
- 著者: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- ナレーター: Sean Pratt
- 再生時間: 5 時間 6 分
- 完全版
Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, Finding Flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware of and out of touch with our emotional lives. Our inattention makes us constantly bounce between two extremes: During much of the day, we live filled with the anxiety and pressures of our work and obligations, and during our leisure moments, we tend to live in passive boredom.
The Compound Effect
- Multiply Your Success One Simple Step at a Time
- 著者: Darren Hardy
- ナレーター: Darren Hardy
- 再生時間: 4 時間 44 分
- 完全版
The Compound Effect contains the essence of what every super achiever needs to know, practice, and master to obtain extraordinary success. Inside you will hear strategies on how to win-every time; eradicating the bad habits that are derailing your progress; painlessly installing the few key disciplines required for major breakthroughs; the real, lasting keys to gaining and sustaining motivation; capturing the elusive, awesome force of momentum; and the acceleration secrets of superachievers.
- 投稿者: コヨーテ 日付: 2023/03/11
著者: Darren Hardy
The Energy Explosion
- 著者: Robin Sharma
- ナレーター: uncredited
- 再生時間: 49 分
- オリジナル版
Without superior levels of energy it's impossible to get to personal and professional greatness. Yet most of us go through our days only half awake. Take your energy, and your life, to the next level with The Energy Explosion. This Five Element program will dramatically improve your energy and productivity in as little as 14 days.
著者: Robin Sharma
How to Be More Intentional with Time
- 著者: Laura Vanderkam
- ナレーター: Laura Vanderkam
- 再生時間: 33 分
- オリジナル版
People who do amazing things in the world - developing a new cancer drug, creating award-winning ads, helping their communities - may seem to have all sorts of advantages. But they don’t have any more hours than the rest of us. Instead, they may be allocating their hours in interesting ways that the rest of us can learn from. In this workshop, time management expert Laura Vanderkam explains about how broadening our perspective on time will help us be more intentional with the hours we have, and shares the simple, practical steps your team can take to start making time work for them.
- 投稿者: 塾生母妻娘経営者 日付: 2025/01/12
著者: Laura Vanderkam
- How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life
- 著者: Nir Eyal, Julie Li
- ナレーター: Nir Eyal
- 再生時間: 5 時間 15 分
- 完全版
In Indistractable, Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving us to distraction. He describes why solving the problem is not as simple as swearing off our devices: Abstinence is impractical and often makes us want more. Eyal lays bare the secret of finally doing what you say you will do with a four-step, research-backed model. Indistractable reveals the key to getting the best out of technology, without letting it get the best of us.
Great insight about how to deal with distractions
- 投稿者: Thiago Souza 日付: 2024/03/19
著者: Nir Eyal, 、その他
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Third Edition
- Change Your Life Forever
- 著者: Steve Chandler
- ナレーター: Fred Stella
- 再生時間: 6 時間 43 分
- 完全版
With the third refreshed edition of 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Steve Chandler helps you create an action plan for living your vision, in business and in life. It features 100 proven methods to positively change the way you think and act - methods based on feedback from the hundreds of thousands of corporate and public seminar attendees Chandler speaks to each year. The book now also includes techniques and breakthroughs he has created for individual coaching clients.
Motivation is the key.
- 投稿者: シンプルイングリッシュの村上博昭 日付: 2022/12/04
著者: Steve Chandler
The World as I See It
- 著者: Albert Einstein
- ナレーター: Pete Cross
- 再生時間: 3 時間 40 分
- 完全版
Including letters, speeches, articles, and essays written before 1935, this collection offers a complete portrait of Einstein as a humanitarian and as a human being trying to make sense of the world changing around him.
著者: Albert Einstein
Nine Things Successful People Do Differently
- 著者: Heidi Grant Halvorson
- ナレーター: Shannon Parks
- 再生時間: 1 時間 8 分
- 完全版
Decades of research on achievement suggests people at the top of their game tend to reach their goals because of what they do - not because of who they are. In this short, provocative, and useful HBR Single, motivational psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson translates the psychological secrets of these winning human beings for your use.
- Develop Everlasting Habits to Master Self-Control, Productivity, Mental Toughness, and a Spartan Mindset for Creating a Life of Success to Beat Addiction, Procrastination, & Laziness
- 著者: Steve Martin
- ナレーター: Steve Martin
- 再生時間: 1 時間 11 分
- 完全版
Do you struggle with self-control? Do you lack the focus to move forward in life and reach your dreams? Do you constantly envy how motivated your peers are? Self-Discipline by coach and expert Steve Martin is what you need to turn your dreams into reality! Steve knows that self-discipline helps hone your ability to resist any temptations, improve your focus, and boost concentration to get things done. If you’re ready to finally change your life and embrace self-discipline, buy this audiobook now and take your fist step toward success!
著者: Steve Martin
I Moved Your Cheese
- For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Else's Maze
- 著者: Deepak Malhotra
- ナレーター: Robert Fass
- 再生時間: 1 時間 17 分
- 完全版
For all its good intentions, Who Moved My Cheese? basically reduces us to mice in a maze sniffing after cheese. Harvard Business School professor Deepak Malhorta uses a fable involving a different set of mice in a maze—mice who question everything—to help readers see how they underestimate their ability change the rules, overcome the constraints they face, and control their own destiny.
著者: Deepak Malhotra
How to Talk to Anyone
- 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
- 著者: Leil Lowndes
- ナレーター: Joyce Bean, Leil Lowndes
- 再生時間: 8 時間 59 分
- 完全版
What is that magic quality that makes some people instantly loved and respected? Everyone wants to be their friend (or, if single, their lover!) In business, they rise swiftly to the top of the corporate ladder. What is their "Midas touch?"
著者: Leil Lowndes
The Power of Now
- A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
- 著者: Eckhart Tolle
- ナレーター: Eckhart Tolle
- 再生時間: 7 時間 37 分
- 完全版
It’s no wonder that The Power of Now has sold over 16 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 30 foreign languages. Much more than simple principles and platitudes, the book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true and deepest self and reach the ultimate in personal growth and spirituality: the discovery of truth and light. In the first chapter, Tolle introduces listeners to enlightenment and its natural enemy, the mind.
I need to listen to this again
- 投稿者: Amazon カスタマー 日付: 2023/07/07
著者: Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Less
- The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential...in Business and in Life
- 著者: Leo Babauta
- ナレーター: Fred Stella
- 再生時間: 3 時間 54 分
- 完全版
With the countless distractions that come from every corner of a modern life, it's amazing that we're ever able to accomplish anything. The Power of Less demonstrates how to streamline your life by identifying the essential and eliminating the unnecessary - freeing you from everyday clutter and allowing you to focus on accomplishing the goals that can change your life for the better
a bit boring as an audio book
- 投稿者: YY 日付: 2024/02/23
著者: Leo Babauta
Communication Skills Training
- How to Talk to Anyone, Overcome Anxiety, Develop Charisma, and Become a People Person While Boosting Body Language, Active Listening and Empathy
- 著者: Richard Hawkins
- ナレーター: Orlena Cain
- 再生時間: 1 時間 12 分
- 完全版
Almost everything we want in life involves other people. Whether you want a better social life, a promotion at work, or a good romantic relationship, it all depends on the way you communicate. Lack of communication skills is exactly what ruins most peoples’ lives. Luckily, "communicating" is not only simple and straightforward but also easy to master, even if you’re shy, introverted or have social anxiety. This book will guide you on how you can quickly move through conversations, and express yourself in a manner that is conducive to relationship-building and productivity.
著者: Richard Hawkins