Find Healing in the Bible and Jesus’ Words
Christian Meditation “My God, I Cried to You, and You Have Healed Me”
Marie Horne Wikle
MM Productions
Are you a Christian battling with disease?
God bless you. God loves you. He is with you right now on your healing journey. Jesus Christ is your savior. Your God is Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals. And he will heal you. Be decisive about that belief. Declare that truth when doubt shows up. Grip onto it and don’t let go when fear rises up. You’ve got to! Because sickness and disease are vile, ruthless enemies. They are thieves who threaten your life and/or threaten to stay with you forever. Sickness and disease wormed their way into your body and are boasting that they have control over you. That’s what it feels like when pain occurs out of nowhere, right? That’s what it seems like when you can feel disease working in your body and you don’t know how to eject this intruder. Sickness and disease are trying to manhandle you! They want to convince you that they have control over you.
I know that might not be the easiest thing to believe when you feel awful. There’s nothing worse than being in physical pain. We’re humans - not angels or any other beings. We were created to live in a physical body in our visible, physical world. It’s our destiny as humans. So, when that body is attacked by sickness, there are no words adequate enough to describe what you go through.
But, your identity is healed and healthy. When you place yourself in the middle of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you’re surrounded by divine health. Blessing is coming at you from every direction. Wholeness, redemption, grave, and love flow through you. When you abide in them, they can get to work restoring you.
At MM Productions and Selah Christian Bible Meditations, we give you opportunities to abide in and cling to God’s word through guided meditations, curated Bible verse word baths, and more. Listen to these verses again and again, let them run over your body, speak them, ingest them.
Find Healing in the Bible and Jesus’ Words: Christian Meditation “My God, I Cried to You, and You Have Healed Me” is a curated Bible verse word bath focused on healing scriptures. Relax and let the words flow over you. Like your taking a warm shower. As you listen, they’ll sink into you. God’s word is the living word. It has a heartbeat for you! It exists for your use so that you can devour it by hearing his promises over and over and over. Filling yourself up with God’s word is like activating his power in your life.
God bless you as you listen. Your healing is coming speedily! You will stand healthy because your father is working all things for your good!
God bless you with great health and many, many good days!
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