Freedom Eating
No More Cleanses, Detoxes, Diet, Fasting, Weight Watching and On! An Introduction to Intuitive Eating, and How and Why You Can Find Freedom and Joy Again at Your Table.
Candice Jenkins
Mia Mielson
Diets. Nearly everyone wants to lose weight. There is an entire industry that is focused on weight loss, and one can rarely go a day without seeing something related to diet culture either on television or via social media: A new dieting trend, diet aids, shapewear, or even surgery. The 21st century is obsessed with the loss of weight and with being thin.
It is exhausting.
Atkins, Keto, Weight Watcher, SlimFast, Jenny Craig...How many different diets have you tried? When was the first time you dieted or were told that you needed to diet? Well, it is time to put all of that behind you! Freedom Eating is about reclaiming food and loving yourself. This audiobook is all about unlearning all the things that dieting has taught you and teaching you that it is alright to eat what you want.
The concept of freedom eating is about eating what you love, and not restricting yourself because other people say that you need to for the sake of a beauty standard. It teaches that food and loving food is natural, and that fat is not only necessary in your life, but is that very tasty part of everything you eat.
It is time to end the dieting struggle. Grab a coffee, grab a cookie, and skip your fourth gym day this week. Class is in session, and it is time to learn how to eat freely.
©2022 Candra Jaarsma (P)2022 Candra Jaarsma